3000 BCE
Rise of Sumer (Mesopotamian region)
World's oldest known story is from this civilization called "Epic of Gilgamesh." (long poem) Cuneiform writing (wedge marks in clay tablets) -
1800 BCE
City of Babylon
Sumerians were defeated by Akkadians (King Sargon created first empire; lasted for 200 years). Babylon is created -
1792 BCE
Babylonian King Hammurabi
Created Babylonian empire, but best known for Hammurabi code of laws. Legal code (fair/cruel?) "eye for an eye" -
900 BCE
Assyrians rise (in Mesopotamia)
Known for strong military (well organized). Expanded from modern day Iraq to Egypt. Took over Nineveh, Egypt and ruled for about 300 years. -
612 BCE
Chaldean Revolt
Led by King Nebuchadnezzar, the Chaldeans revolted against the Assyrians and took back Babylon. Most Chaldeans were descendants from Babylonians. -
600 BCE
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
One of the Seven ancient wonders of the world. King Nebuchadnezzar was responsible; created for wife. -
539 BCE
Persians conquer Chaldeans
King Cyrus defeated Chaldeans and created huge empire, which ultimately erased Mesopotamia (people ruled under different dynasties and lost to history).