Birth of Thomas Hobbs
Thomas Hobbs was one of the main people that started the enlightenment, but his ideas were not shared by many. He believed that everyone is born bad, and that we all need a dictator to be in control of us because we are bad. His Social Contract is that people should give up all of their freedoms for safety and order. -
Gunpowder plot fail
When King James I was king of England, he claimed England to be a protestant nation, which made a lot of Catholics angry at him.This religious tension brought up a rebellious group that wanted to kill the king in the Houses of Parliament. Their plan was to put lots of gunpowder under the building, and blow the king up, making it be called the gunpowder plot. But the king knew about this plan to kill him so Guy Fawkes, who was supposed to start the bomb got caught, tortured, and then executed. -
Guy Fawkes execution
Guy Fawkes was one of the conspirators that wanted to kill the king. Their plan was to blow the king up, which was called the gunpowder plot. But one of the king's right hand men found out about the plot and sent guards to search out the building. They found Guy Fawkes their and they took him in to be tortured. He was tortured horribly, and gave up all of the information on his friends. Finally on January 31st in 1606, him and all of the other conspirators were executed. -
Birth of John Locke
John Locke was a person that was very important to the Enlightenment, and even gave many ideas to Americans on how to run their country. He believed that everyone was born good, but that some of them turn bad. He also believed that everyone had God given rights when they are born; Life, Liberty, and Property. He also believed the main thing rulers needed to do was protect the rights of the people. -
The Start of the English Civil War
This war mainly started because of the relationship between the king and parliament. Charles I believed that he should have all the power, and was Catholic, but parliament believed they should have more power over the king, and were Protestant. Tensions began to rise more and more until finally a civil war started in England. It was the people loyal to the king(cavaliers), against people loyal to parliament(roundheads). -
Execution of Charles I
Charles I was executed on January 30th, of 1649, during the later end of the English civil war. He was executed for treason, murder, and by basically being called a tyrant by the people of parliament. This event was pretty significant because Charles I was the first king to be executed at that time. Charles I still had children when he died, and talked about having an everlasting crown in heaven right before he was executed. Later, parliament won the English civil war. -
The Declaration of Independence written
The Declaration of Independence was something very important that was written by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and some others. It's the form that got America its independence from Britain at the time. But the document got a lot of it's ideas from John Locke's ideas. Like that everyone has natural rights, only that the Declaration of Independence has them as; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Overall the enlightenment gave many ideas for the start of America as a country. -
Tennis Court Oath
During the Estates General, the 3rd Estate realizes that their vote is outdone by the other two Estates. They get pretty mad, and so the King throws all of them out of the meeting. The 3rd Estate then goes to a nearby indoor Tennis Court, and they vow not to leave until they get promised a Constitution from the King. -
Storming of the Bastille
This is the first instance where the people of France finally take action against their unfair government. They storm the Bastille, and pretty easily overthrow the guards there. They take weapons they would need for later in the Revolution. This is also known as the start of the Revolution, because it is when the 3rd Estate of France finally start chaos in France. -
Women's Bread March
This event was started when women realized that the price of bread was way to high for them. They decide to blame the king, and they start marching to the palace of Versailles. They successfully overwhelm the guards when they get there, and they also kick the king out of the palace. The king is then put in another palace by the 3rd Estate, and the king will never see the palace of Versailles again. -
Death of Richard Arkwright
He made some inventions that were a great help in the Industrial Revolution. He started the idea that if one person is doing one part of a factory line, work will get done faster. For being the lead force in the Industrial Revolution he is called "father of the modern industrial factory system." -
Death of Louis XVI
After trying to escape France during the Reign of Terror. He is put to death by the Revolutionaries in France. The king denies all of the accusations thrown at him, but is still executed by the guillotine anyway. His family lives on longer than him, but his daughter is the only one that will die a natural death in his family. -
The Execution of Robespierre
Soon people start to not like the Reign of Terror, and they want it to end. The people eventually get mad at who started the whole Reign of Terror, Robespierre. Soon, he and his men get sent to the guillotine, and then the Reign of Terror in France slows down significantly. This shows that even the own who started the executions in France, cannot be safe from the guillotine. -
Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France
After quickly rising to power, and the people of France being tired of not having a leader, Napoleon becomes the emperor of France. Some people think that he put the crown on his own head, without the help of the church. Him becoming emperor of France will make it so France takes a lot of Europe. -
Slave Trade Act
After a lot of push from people like William Wilberforce, and many others, the slave trade in Britain. This took a lot of work and convincing to get people to vote against slavery in parliament. After many people realized how bad slave trading was, a bill was finally passed to stop the slave trade. -
The Battle of Waterloo
After being exiled by the allies of Europe to Elba, Napoleon still comes back to France, and gets his army back to work for him. Napoleon got close to taking over Europe, but he weakened himself when he tried to fight Russia, but his army mostly died of the cold. During the "Hundred Days" where Napoleon was back in France, he fought against the English forces. This was the Battle of Waterloo, and the people in that fight would never forget it if they got out alive. -
Death of Francis Cabot Lowell
He is most known for making textile factories, which made clothes. He is also the founder of Lowell Massachusetts, which was the center of factories in America during the Industrial Revolution. Almost everyone in Lowell Massachusetts was in some way part of the textile factory in the town. -
Death of Napoleon
After being finally defeated by the allies of Europe, they banished him to a more discrete island, out in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean. Napoleon was officially defeated, and could never go back to France and start his army again. He was exiled for about six years on St. Helena, and his official report by England was that he died of cancer. But new evidence shows that he was probably murdered, so that there was no chance of him ever attacking the allies of Europe again. -
Death of Eli Whiteny
Eli Whitney was an American inventor that made the idea for interchangeable parts. He also was most famous for making the Cotton Gin, and his inventions are important to us today. He made it so cotton could be made more easily, and that ready-made clothing was easier to come by. -
Death of William Wilberforce
William Wilberforce was a great politician in parliament. His main goal in life was to stop slavery, and very importantly the slave trade. He succeeded in abolishing the slave trade, and also stopped slavery in England. He died 4 days after the law to stop slavery in England was passed. -
Death of Samuel Slater
Samuel Slater was most known for bringing ideas for factories and inventions over from England to America. In America he is known as "Father of the American Factory System," but in England he is known as "Slater the Traitor." -
The start of Queen Victoria's reign
At the time of the start of Queen Victoria's reign of queen of England, the world was a lot different than what it was after Queen Victoria died. Great Britain was the main nation of the world during the Victorian Era, and the English language is used basically world wide today because of it. Queen Victoria was a great queen for Britain, and Great Britain thrived under her. -
Start of First Opium War
The Opium Wars are yet another example of Britain bullying another nation into getting what Britain wants. Britain wanted tea from China, but China didn't want trade with Britain. So, Britain forced Opium down Chinese throats and got them addicted. China's government did not like this at all so they tried to stop Britain, but then started the Opium wars between Britain and China. -
Opening of the Crystal Palace Exhibition
The palace was the biggest building in England at the time, and it was made to show off all of the different inventions Great Britain had. Many different things, animals, and cool stuff from all over the world at the time were shown off there. It was also the start of pay to use bathrooms in Britain. -
Treaty of Kanagawa
This treaty was basically made possible by Matthew Perry, who got Japan to trade with the U.S. Japan was more reluctant at first, but soon they realized that they had to voluntarily open up to trade or they would be bullied by higher powers. They were somewhat forced into trade anyway with the U.S., but this really helped Japan become a big and imperialistic power throughout the world. -
Start of Sepoy Mutany
Sepoy Mutany was a rising up against the Britsh East India Company. Indian soldiers were completely offended when they thought that their caps for their gunpowder was made of cow and pig fat. Muslims and Hindus were very offended by this, and it started a revolt against Britain. Overall, this revolt was unsuccessful, and made things even worse for India in the long run. -
Death of Samuel F. B. Morse
Samuel Morse was on of the inventors that made the telegraph, and the device could only put electronic waves across long distances at the time. So Morse made a code that could be used as communication for the telegraph, and that was how Morse code was made. -
Death of Dr. Livingstone
Dr. Livingstone was one of the best missionaries in Africa. He was one of the first to explore Africa and bring people to Jesus there. He discovered lots of cool places in Africa and was a pretty famous explorer even back then. He died happy, living with a colony in Africa. -
Eiffel Tower Construction
This tower was built as a big entrance for the World Fair in France, and was meant to be taken down some time after. At the time it was built it was the tallest building in the World. Many people at the time didn't like the building and thought it ruined France. But eventually a radio tower was put on it so it was deemed useful, and the Eiffel Tower is still in France today. -
Start of Sino-Japanese War
This war was started basically because of Japan wanting more land, and them wanting to be an Imperialistic power. Japan won against China, and successfully got some of their land. They won because of being more modern, and adapting more of western culture into their society and army. This is the first war they won. -
Death of Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria was the person who basically started the Victorian Era in Great Britain. The era was where everything was very strict, and everything had to be proper. A lot of things she did, like her mourning ritual, was taken as an example for Victorian England. She was a very good queen, and Great Britain and the world thrived under her. -
Invention of the first airplane
The Orville Wright brothers invented the first powered airplane. They proved to the world that humans can be in the air like birds. There first model flew for just under a minute, and it was a very important invention for transportation. -
Treaty of Portsmouth
This is the treaty that ended the quick war between the Japanese and the Russians because of disputes over Korea. Japanese destroyed Russia with their more modern army, and this war made the world realize Japan was now and imperialist power. Theodore Roosevelt mediated the treaty, and mediated it so well that he got a Nobel Peace Prize. -
Alfred Dreyfus Release
Alfred Dreyfus was a high ranking officer in France, and was accused for committing treason. He didn't actually commit treason, but because he was Jewish, they made fake evidence against him that he was a traitor. The story went into a political spiral all over France, and eventually the government let him go halfway just so the country won't be as mad at it for the upcoming World Fair. -
Invention of the Affordable Car from Henry Ford
The Model T car made from Henry Ford made the car affordable for everyday people. The car before was mostly for richer people who wanted some sort of toy mostly, but this new car was used by a lot of people for transportation, if they had a decent amount of money. The car was the same for everyone, so that it made a big difference in the world where a lot of people had one. -
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
This assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the short term cause for the start of WWI. This was because of all of the alliances between countries all throughout Europe, and other long term causes long before the assassination. This assassination backfired on the people who killed Franz, and should have been a local event in Austria, because this was normal. But, everyone soon got involved, and this murder was a big reason why WWI and possibly WWII was started. -
Start of WWI
This war was basically the kickoff into the chaos and death of the 20th century. This war caused countless casualties, mostly because of all of the new technology and weapons that were made and used in war basically for the first time in history. At the beginning of the war, everyone thought that the war was going to be quick, but it was The Great War. Basically the whole world was involved in this, and starting 1 month after the assassination that kicked it off, the war started. -
Christmas Truce WWI
This truce was basically a miracle. Both sides were sort of fed up with the war, and also thought the war would be quick, but it wasn't. On the western front with German and French troupes, they started playing games, sharing resources, and having a good time, all in Christmas Spirit. -
America Joins WWI
America joined WWI, and joined the Allied Forces. After Russia leaving, America really helped out with the war, and was the final push for finally defeating the Germans. They join pretty late in the war, but their effect on the war was pretty phenomenal. -
Russia Leaving WWI
Russia left WWI, mainly because the war at this point was just a war of attrition, and Russia was the first country to break. Basically their whole country was doing really bad, and the Russian Revolution made sure that staying in the war was not a possibility. This leaving of Russia hurt the allies, but they still won the war because America helped out with the war at the very end. -
The End of WWI
The end of this horrible war which basically everyone on the earth was somewhat affected by, finally ended after 4 years. The fighting stopped officially on November 11, 1918, at 11 A.M. The Central Powers finally lost the war, and they people who lost really got destroyed with punishments from the Allied Forces. The war caused over 37 millions casualties, and many things happened, along with new inventions made, in those 4 dreadful years of the war. -
The Treaty of Versailles
This treaty was conducted by the main countries of the war on the Allied Side, USA, Britain, France, and Italy. They basically made up some punishments to be given to Germany, and they also decided that Germany should take the blame of the war, even though they truly didn't start it. This horrible treaty for almost everyone involved, was one of the main causes for WWII. -
Death of Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was a very important inventor for the different inventions of the early 20th century. He invented over a hundred different inventions, but is most known for the lightbulb, moving picture, and phonograph. He is one of the most important inventors of the time, and changed the world we live in today.