World history

  • 1341


    Portugal is the first to start the age of exploration
  • 1341

    European power start to expand across seas to discover the new world

    European power start to expand across seas to discover the new world
  • 1419

    Portugal island

    Portugal island
    Prince Henry and others discovered Brazil
  • 1443


    Portigal arrives in Africa and takes slaves back to sell for money
  • 1451

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus was born on October 30, 1451
  • 1492

    Columbus sets sail

    Columbus sets sail
    Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain on August 3, 1492. The reason why Columbus wanted to explore was to find a route to get to the East Indies.
  • 1492

    Wrong place

    Wrong place
    Christopher Columbus tinks he has landed on Asia, his real destination, but he actually lands in the Bahamas.
  • 1492

    No gold

    No gold
    Once Columbus finds no gold, he uses the Native Americans (Tainos) for slaves. Whoever didn't get enough gold, would get their hand chopped off. He theen makes up an idea for a slave trade because he notices that there isn't much gold to find. The queen and king had high expectations for him and he didn't want to fail.
  • 1492


    Portugal signed a treaty with Spain to share new land
  • 1497

    Great Britain

    Great Britain
    Giovanni Caboto born in Genoa, citizen of Venice, sailed for England from Bristol, England, in May 20, 1497. Reached Belle Island on the northern coast of Newfoundland, on June 24, 1497. He sailed down the east coast of Newfoundland, to the southern corner, Landing only on Newfoundland, at Belle Island. He never landed again on the coast, before he returned to England on July 30, 1497.
  • 1525

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    French explorer Jacques Cartier charts the Gulf of St Lawrence, and in 1525 he explores up the river as far as Montreal
  • Samuel

    Samuel de chaplain explored the carribian cost of New England in 1603 before traveling farther north he founded Quebec.
  • La baye des puants

    La baye des puants
    Jean nicolet has founded La Baye des Puantsf
  • Trading

    French build a trading station on the estuary of the Senegal river in west Africa
  • William dampier

    William dampier
    was a British buccaneer (pirate), explorer and map-maker. As a teenager, he sailed to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. Dampier sailed to Australia, New Guinea, southeast Asia, and the South Seas, charting the coastlines, rivers, and currents for the British Admiralty (1699-1700). He also kept a detailed journal, noting native cultures, the first noted typhoon, and other discoveries made during his voyages. He discovered and named New Britain, near New Guinuea.
  • Ohio

    Robert de La Salle makes his first exploration of the Ohio valley, providing the basis for France's later claim to the area