North korea

North Korean Food Shortage

  • Kim II Sung Announces the formation of the Democratic People

    Kim Il-Sung proclaims the formation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and this was supported by the Soviet Union
  • North Korea Invades the South

    Seoul is captured within three days and this starts the Korean war.
  • Korean War Ends

    The signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement.
  • Economic Stagnation

    North Korea falls back on the state policy of "juche," or self-reliance.
  • Kim II-Sung Dies

    Kim II-Sung Dies
    Power is gradually handed over to Kim II-Sung's son Kim II-Jung
  • Flooding Destroys Crops

    Flooding Destroys Crops
    Flooding devastates North Korea's crop-growing regions
  • People Ae Not Being Fed

    Severe droughts worsen the country's capacity to grow enough to feed its people
  • Death Numbers Rise

    As many as 3.5 million North Koreans stave over the preceding three years, with the peak number of deaths
  • Kim Jung-II Begins to Bulid

    Kim Jong-Il's government admits it is developing nuclear weapons.
  • United Nations World Food Program

    The United Nations World Food Program reports that famine conditions are in imminent danger of returning and that millions of people living in the cities of North Korea had been mobilized to help out in rural areas.
  • China Helps

    China and South Korea together provide 1 million tons of food aid to the North.
  • Kim Jong II Becomes Ill

    Kim Jong Il fails to attend military parade to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the country, with intelligence agencies stating he may be "gravely ill."
  • Kim Jung-Un Takes Over

    Kim Jung-Un Takes Over
    Kim Jong-Un, Kim's youngest son is put forward as his father's heir.
  • President Carter Visits North Korea

    Former US President Jimmy Carter visits North Korea and reports that one third of children are malnourished. The government reduces the amount of food supplied to each person from 1,400 calories per day to 700 calories per day.