Scientific revolution

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    Ptolemy made contributions to astronomy such as the Geocentric theory and also his work in trigonometry. This is important to the future because even though he was wrong about the geocentric theory it still set the world up and got them thinking about space and other astronomy related theories. This changed the way people thought at the time because it challenged people of that time to think of space and where the earth was related to the rest of the universe as well as setup further findings.
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    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    Bacon, favored a system of scientific experimentation instead of just believing what the church said. This changed the way people of his time thought because he was a valued scholar and people believed what he said even though he was still around in the time of alchemy and practiced it. This was important to the future because of his beliefs in scientific experimentation which could have shaped some beliefs in the scientific revolution which had many people who also believed in experimentation.
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    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    He refused to believe old descriptions of the body and constructed his own understandings of the human body. His highly detailed illustrations helped readers gain visual understandings of the human body. He changed the way people thought about the body because he questioned old descriptions and pioneered anatomy, which has changed the future because with out the progression in the understandings of the body we would not be where we are to day with our great knowledge of the body.
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    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    He was a polish scientist who is seen as the founder of modern astronomy. He developed the heliocentric theory which said that the earth revolved around the sun and the sun was the center of the universe. He challenged the way people thought because everyone thought that the earth was the center of the universe and he said that that was wrong. His beliefs lead to other studies done to further prove and disprove his theories.
  • Johannes Kelper

    Johannes Kelper
    The German astronomer who tested the heliocentric theory by Copernicus and eventually proved the heliocentric theory to be mostly correct by using math, models and observations. He was a key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution. This changed the way people thought because of using senses they used math which can confirm theories. This also effected the future because it was a new way to test theories and is more accurate.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Bacon believed that the only way a theory could be created is through observation and through multiple experiments that have the same result. This challenged the way people thought because it made every theory have to be backed up by repeatable experiments which would prove the theory to be true or false based on results. This is important to the future because it helped create new scientific processes that are based off of multiple experiments.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Harvey studied the body and discovered circulation by using lab experiments and explained how the blood moved through the veins. He also discovered how the heart pumped blood He changed the way people thought because before this discovery people thought there were two types of blood. This impacted the future because without his discoveries we would not have the understanding of blood we have today such as knowing different types of blood, his findings were essential to the progression of anatomy
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo observed space using his simply made telescope and was able to see and sketch things that no one had ever seen before. He published his findings 1632, many scholars would not believe him because they still believed in Ptolemy's geocentric theory. However, his new ways produced answers to many questions in anatomy, physics and astronomy. This changed the way people made inferences on space because of his telescope seeing things that had never been seen before and affected future astrology
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    Boyle pioneered chemistry by showing that temperature and pressure changed the space that a gas occupies. This is important because it helped pioneer a study based on his findings, such as the finding of oxygen found by a chemist. This changed the way people thought because it made people rethink what they believed because of the new study of chemistry.
  • Gottfried Leibnitz

    Gottfried Leibnitz
    Leibnitz studied mathematics and helped to develop calculus which impacted the world positively because of a new found math that could help solve more. This changed the way people thought because of this new mathematics people would be able to solve more. This new method of calculus lead to the advancement of mathematics by further adding to our overall knowledge.
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    Descartes believed that nothing could be believed without questioning and all assumptions must be proven with fact in order for them to be true. He changed the way people thought because of his new thought process that made every theory have to be backed up with facts or else it is not true. This has affected modern science because everything that is believed is now backed up with evidence to prove it.
  • Antoni van leeuwenhoek

    Antoni van leeuwenhoek
    Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria using a microscope. This is important to the future because with this initial findings we learned that bacteria existed and started studies of bacteria. This changed the future because with his findings at this time we have now studied bacteria and other tiny life forms and has changed our new understanding of this and given us a new perspective that we could have never seen with the naked eye
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Scientist Isaac Newton was responsible for proving the theory of gravity which proved Copernicus's, Kelper's , and Galileo's theory further. Gravity explained why the moon would revolve around earth and many other things as well. Newtons findings of gravity had a very big affect on the science of his time. Newtons findings also dramatically challenged the way people viewed the world because he showed how gravity affected everything. Newton's laws of motion changed the way people viewed the world
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    Priestly discovered oxygen and other gasses which was the first observation of different gasses. This changed the way people thought because with his new findings we learned that there were different gasses and made people think that they were breathing in different gasses. This is important to the future because it showed that there were different gasses to be explored and studied.
  • Antonie Lavoisier

    Antonie Lavoisier
    Lavoisier was a french chemist who studied gasses and came up with the modern naming system for chemical substances. This changed the way people thought because with names on substances there could be a universal way to talk about these chemicals. This impacted the future because with this naming system they could name more chemicals and everyone would understand what they were talking about when studies and findings would be published