Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen invented the steam engine, but his ideas weren't effective because the engine had to pump water from mines. James Watt perfected the steam engine. Steam engine was used to power machines and eventually locamotives. This invention was very important because it lead to later inventions like the internal combustion engine, and back in the late 1700s this was one of the only ways to power a machine. To be able to power a machine was a new form of technology that would help production -
French Rev,
Period: to
French Revolution
Louis XVI puts country in debt. People got upset. 3rd estate starts to question authority and they raid Bastille. France enters a time of violence and bloodshed called The Reign of Terror. Members of the Convention arrest Robespierre and execute him. Reign of Terror ends. Moderates take controll. Napoleon overthrows Directory and wins support of the people. Important because it shows that people can overthrow the Royal Family. Also, because of the Revolution, a republic formed. -
Haitian Rev
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Haitian Revolution
Toussaint L’Ouverture was leader of revolt. French masters were outnumbered. Slaves burned the plantations and killed the French people. Spain and England willing to help France because no one wants a country ran by freed slaves. 1802 Napoleon sends army to recapture Haiti. France can’t win but captures Toussaint and sends him to France. He dies, but Haiti wins independance in 1804. This revolt was very important because it scared Colonists who were afraid their slaves would do the same. -
Independance of Mexico
Most people living in Mexico at the time were getting sick of Spanish rule. Hidalgo, a Catholic priest in the village of Dolores, was the leader of the Revolution. Thier struggle for independance turned into a war, which was led by Mexican-born Spaniards, Mestizos and Amerindians. This was important because now Mexico was free from spain and they were their own country. Showed that you can break away from Spain. -
Congress of Vienna
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Congress of Vienna
Restores ‘legitimacy’
Restores monarchs in France, Spain, Portugal and Italian States. This meeting restored peace in Europe for over 40 years. -
Opium War
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Opium War
Britain wanted to trade with China, and China didn't want anything from Britain so Britain started to Trade Opium with China. The Opium trading got out of control and China was losing money while Britain was getting richer. China became weak. The significance of this war was that it proved that opium was and major source of revenue for Britain and all the Opium sold did great damage to China's economy and people. -
"Communist Manifesto"
Written br Marx and Engels. Book talks about Marx's predictions on a struggle between social classes that would lead to a classless society where all means of production would be owned by the community. This book was important because it explained a form of government (communism) in perfect detail. This book and the idea behind it, led to revolutions and new superpowers. -
Matt Perry goes to Japan
Matt Perry and his fleet enter Tokyo Bay. US demanda trade rights. Japan threatened by western technology. They agree. The Treaty of Kanagawa opens Japan's ports to Western Countries. This is a very important event because this force led to a World War between us and Japan. Also, after this treaty and meeting, Japan decided to modernize which made them a huge threat. After this they defeated China and Russian. Which showed they had power. -
Sepoy Mutiny
One of the most well-known uprisings during the British colonization of India was a mutiny of the native troops known as "sepoys". The British were said that they put fat on the cartridge that goes into a gun. The Hindus got angry because the lard came from a cow which was sacred to them. They rebelled. Took about half a year for Britain to re gain control. This rebellion sent a message to British and it was the firs time India tried to get its independance from Britain. -
Zulu Uprising and Boers
Zulu people was a tribe in southern Africa. The Netherlands, Dutch, and British all fought for the Zulu land and eventually won. On 11 January 1879, the British under Lord Chelmsford invaded Zululand with about 7,000 regular troops. The Zulu's were strong fighters and didn't give up land easily. The zulu conquest by Great Britian had a lasting effect. The conquest was very costly for Birtain. But now Britain had full controll over resources. After the battles there was still risistance. -
Berlin Conference
Period: to
Berlin Conference
Held by King Leopold II of Belgium. Divided up continent for colonization at conference. There was no African representation at the conference. This meeting was unfair for African Tribes and African Countries. The importance of this Conference was significant because for it stayed this way for many years and it made Africa a mess. Things were corrupt and civil wars were the after math. -
Russo-Japanese War
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Russo-Japanese War
Takes Russia 9 months to reach Japan. Japan defeats them right away. Japan gets Korea and part of Manchuria. This war was significant because it was the first time in history that a non-western power defeated a western power. Shows that Japan has strength and power. -
Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
Named President of the new republic. The new repuiblic wasn't working because of the warlords and other foreign powers in China. In 1912 Dr. Sun steps down because this form of government is failing. Then in 1921 Dr. Sun and the Guomindang (nationalists) get control of South. They plan to get rid of warlords. Dr. Sun and his ideas were very significant because he was the first leader in China to proprose the idea of a Republic. For thousands of years China has been ruled by empires.