World Events around the Modern Drama, 1900-1929

  • The KODAK Brownie Camera is released

    The KODAK Brownie Camera is released
    The Brownie Camera brings photography to the public. Priced at $1 with each roll of film at 15 cents, this is the first time that this hobby is financially feasible for much of the world. (KODAK, 2021).
  • Period: to


    While technology progressed in this decade, fashion largely remained the same, particularly for men. Most notable was the effect of Eastern textiles on aesthetic dress -- Japanese and Chinese silks, and Middle Eastern embroidery offered a freer and more individualized alternative to the muted colours and soft effects popular in the early 1900s (Reddy, 2020).
  • First Nobel Prizes awarded

    First Nobel Prizes awarded
    The first Nobel Prizes are awarded in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace (Rosenberg, 2019).
  • The US Chinese Exclusion Act is renewed

    The 1902 Chinese Exclusion Act is renewed, making Chinese immigration to the US permanently illegal, and extending the rule to cover Hawaii and the Philippines (Rosenberg, 2019). This anti-Asian sentiment is particularly notable due to the Eastern influence in fashion and art.
  • The Second Boer War ends

    The Second Boer War ends
    The Second Boer War ends, and South Africa falls under British rule. The backlash from the Boer War will later lead to anti-British sentiment throughout Ireland.
  • Iroquois Theater Fire

    Iroquois Theater Fire
    The fifth-most deadly fire in American history (NFPA, 2021) was started when a light ignited the scenery curtains. The fire killed 602, injured 250, and forever changed the safety regulations in theatre buildings.
  • The Russo-Japanese War helps shape wartime reporting

    The Russo-Japanese War helps shape wartime reporting
    Unused to the lack of free press in Japan, forced war correspondants to utilize new technologies in wartime reporting. One such example was Lionel James, who for the first time employed radio in order to transmit from a boat (pictured) outside of both countries' media control. A recent study credits this period with "helping to shape the rise of modern forms of propaganda and censorship" (Rollman, 2020).
  • Trans-Siberian Railway opens

    Trans-Siberian Railway opens
    The Trans-Siberian Railway is opened, connecting European Russia to Siberia and the remote far east (Rosenberg, 2019).
  • First rapid transit NYC Subway run

    First rapid transit NYC Subway run
    The first rapid transit subway line on the NYC subway makes its first run.
  • Einstein proposes his Theory of Relativity

    Einstein proposes his Theory of Relativity
    Albert Einstein proposes his Theory of Relativity, which will have a "profound influence" on the way the universe is understood from this point forward (Rosenberg, 2019).
  • Freud publishes his Theory of Sexuality

    Freud publishes his Theory of Sexuality
    Freud's Theory of Sexuality will be rewritten numerous times over the course of his career (Rosenberg., 2019) and will remain a centerpiece in the study of Psychology.
  • E. Gordon Craig's "Art of the Theatre"

    E. Gordon Craig's "Art of the Theatre"
    Craig's Art of the Theatre outlined a "total theatre" where all aspects of the performance are united. The book sets out principles for an "imaginative and suggestive, rather than literal" approach to set design. (USITT, 2021).
  • Mt. Vesuvius erupts in Italy

    Mt. Vesuvius erupts in Italy
    Mt. Vesuvius erupted, killing 100 people. As a result, the 1908 Olympics were moved from Rome, which would be suffering from financial stress.
  • ART NOUVEAU reaches peak popularity

    ART NOUVEAU reaches peak popularity
    Between 1900 and 1910 Art Nouveau was reaching its peak popularity. Pictured is an example of this style by Klimt - The Kiss. Art Nouveau, literally "New Art" took inspiration from nature, and is characterized by breaking away from "the weight of artistic tradition and critical expectations", favouring instead "freedom and release" (Gontar, 2006).
  • Zeigfeld Follies premieres

    Zeigfeld Follies premieres
    Intended as a lighthearted offering for the season, this variety show would go on to launch the careers of many a leading lady and become a major milestone in the history of Musical Theatre.
  • The NAACP is founded

    The NAACP is founded
    The "oldest and most recognized civil rights organization in the United States" (Rosenberg, 2019) is founded.
  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

    A period of US history in which major Northern cities saw an increase in their Black populations. These migrants from the South embraced and built their own culture and community amidst racial prejudice, biased economics and politics, and numerous other social challenges.
  • Stanislavski begins the First Studio

    Stanislavski begins the First Studio
    First Studio was a theater laboratory inside the Moscow Art Theatre, where Konstantin Stanislavski began to develop his influential System (or Method). Here he "could experiment and practice his concepts with colleagues" (Open City Acting Studio, 2021).
  • The Titanic sinks

    The Titanic sinks
    The largest and poshest ship of the time, The Titanic hit an iceberg and sunk during its first voyage.
  • World War I begins

    Initiated by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo, the first major battle of World War I -- The Battle of Tannenberg, between Russia and Germany -- occurs August 26-30. This will be followed by the first use of trench warfare.
  • Birth of a Nation is released

    Birth of a Nation is released
    D.W. Griffith's film glorifying the KKK is released, reviving national interest in the group.
  • The Armenian Genocide

    The Ottoman Empire systematically exterminates 1.5 million Armenians. About 250 intellectuals and community leaders are deported from Constantinople. (Rosenberg., 2019).
  • The Irish Republic established

    The Irish Republic established
    Prominent buildings seized in Dublin when Irish nationalists established The Irish Republic.
  • German Workers' Party founded

    Adolf Hitler attended his first GWP meeting later that year (Rosenberg, 2019)
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Effectively ending World War I.
  • The Red Summer of 1919

    The Red Summer of 1919
    On 7/27/1919, Black teenager drowned in Lake Michigan after being stone by a group of white youth. Following the lack of police response, the Chicago Riots began, lasting through August 3rd. Building off this steadily growing tensions in the country following the Great Migration, additional race riots would break out in Washington D.C., Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Nebraska & Chicago. (Rosenberg, 2019)
  • Dada: The "Anti-Art" Movement is born

    Dada: The "Anti-Art" Movement is born
    To express their "disgust" with WWI, a group of artists met and performed at the Cabaret Voltaire -- this is considered the founding moment of the "anti-art" movement, Dada. (Rosenberg, 2019).
  • Period: to

    The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem neighborhood in NYC became a "Black cultural mecca", characterized by an explosion of social and artistic life. It is considered a "golden age" in African American culture, resulting in a boom of influential Black literature, stage performance, music and art. (Editors, 2021). The beginning of its end began with the Great Depression. Representative of Black experience and pride, this period will also be consistently appropriated and re-appropriated by White American culture.
  • The 18th Amendment - PROHIBITION begins

    The 18th Amendment - PROHIBITION begins
  • Women win the right to vote with the 19th Amendment

    Women win the right to vote with the 19th Amendment
  • Stanislavski & the Moscow Art Theatre tour America

    Stanislavski & the Moscow Art Theatre tour America
    The Moscow Art Theatre tours to America, prompting a cultural exchange of ideas and theatrical form. (Brooks, 2014).
  • The Jazz Singer released

    The Jazz Singer released
    The first movie which included both dialogue and music on the film itself!
  • Brecht's Threepenny Opera

    Brecht's Threepenny Opera
    Brecht/Weill's Threepenny Opera debuts to international success. The 'ballad opera' or 'play with music' remains an example of Brecht's Epic Theatre, or Alienation Effect, in which the songs were intended to distance the audience from the story in order to prompt action.
  • The Greatest Thing Since...

    The Greatest Thing Since...
    Sliced bread was invented!
  • The Great Depression begins

    The Great Depression begins
    The stock market crash of 1929 ushered in the Great Depression.