Nov 30, 1000
The Althing resolution
Iceland's parliament, the althing, passes a resolution that everyone on the island is to be baptized. -
Nov 30, 1250
France establish a parliment
France becomes the first kingdom to establish a permanent parliament when Louis IX reserves a chamber in his palace for quarterly sessions. -
Declaration of Independence
John Hancock is the first delegate to sign the Declaration of Independence, formally written out on a large sheet of parchment. -
The first political parties
The first political parties, Hamilton's Federalists and Jefferson's Republicans, emerge in the USA. -
The Republican party splits
The Republican party in the USA splits into National Republicans and Democratic Republicans. -
Chile's two main political parties
Conservative 'bigwigs' and liberal 'novices' emerge as Chile's two main political parties. -
Campaign for women's suffrage
A committee to campaign for women's suffrage is formed in Manchester, the first of many in Britain. -
US constitution
The Fourteenth Amendment to the US constitution (not ratified till 1868) assures equal rights as citizens to all born or naturalized in the USA. -
Britains new Reform Act
Britain's new Reform Act extends the franchise to working men in British towns. -
Romania becomes independent nation
Romania achieves a new status as an internationally recognized independent nation. -
First parliament to give women the vote
The Tynwald in the Isle of Man becomes the first parliament to give women the vote. -
The All-India Muslim League
The All-India Muslim League is set up at a meeting of the Muhammadan Educational Conference in Dhaka. -
Developing Chinese revolution
An uprising in the city of Wuchang is the first major event in the rapidly developing Chinese revolution. -
The first woman to sit in Canada's parliament
Agnes Macphail becomes the first woman to sit in Canada's parliament. -
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is set up by the USA and Canada, together with Britain and other European countries, for purposes of collective security.