World Cups 1930 -2018

By Rosana
  • 1930

    Place: Uruguay. Final match: Uruguay beats Argentina 4-2.
    Curiosity: Hector Castro, a one-armed uruguayan football player, scores a goal against Peru.
  • 1934

    Place: Italy. Final match: Italy beats Czechoslovakia. Curiosity:first world championchips where an African team played (Egipt).
  • 1938

    Place: France. Final match: Italy beats Hungary. Curiosity: first time that numbers were used in the t-shirts.
  • Second World War 1939-1945

    Second World War 1939-1945
    The war started when Hitler invaded Poland and this made United Kingdom and France declare war against Germany.
  • 1950

    Place: Brasil. Final match: Uruguay beats Brasil. Curiosity: the FIFA forbide Germany to participate because of the second world war.
  • 1954

    Place: Switzerland. Final match: Federal Germany beats Hungary. Curiosity: first time it was transmitted on TV and the first participation of Germany after the war.
  • 1958

    Place: Sweden. Final match: Brasil beats Sweden. Curiosity:first time that the four UK teams participate (England, Ireland, Scotland and Gales).
  • 1962

    Place: Chile. Final match: Brasil beats Czechoslovakia. Curiositi: Uruguay team don´t use the number 13.
  • 1966

    Place: England. Final match: England beats Federal Germany. Curiosity: firsttime that a gateway were used.
  • 1970

    Place: Mexico. Final match: Brasil beats Mexico. Curiosity: first time that player's substitution were used.
  • 1974

    Country: Occidental Germany
    Curiosity: Both Germanies faced in the same group. Final match: Netherlands and Germany Federal Republic.
    Germany Federal Republic beat Netherlands 2 - 1.