Constantine was born
Constantine starts his reign
* OUTCOME The Battle of Milvian Bridge takes place
The battle gave Constantine undisputed control of the western half of the Roman Empire. Maxentius' army suffered badly. He expanded his reign to include the entire Roman Empire after defeating Licinius during the civil war of 324. Constantine converted to Christianity. -
The first Council of Nicea was formed
Constantine dies
Odoacer was born
Clovis was born
Odoacer starts his reign
* OUTCOME The Fall of the Roman Empire takes place
The centralized government disappears. Loss of Greek and Roman learning and common language. Transportation and communication halts. Constant warfare and invasions. -
Theodora was born
St. Benedict started as a Roman Noble
Clovis ends his reign and dies
Theodora starts her reign
Justinian starts his reign
The Hagia Sophia starts to be built
*OUTCOME The Plague starts
5,000 people died a day. 40% of city's inhabitants were affected by the plague. A quarter of the human population of the Mediterranean were also affected. 25 million people world wide died as a result of the plague. -
St. Benedict died
Justinian died
Sep 30, 672
Bede was born
Sep 27, 715
Charles Martel starts his reign with the Franks
Oct 1, 732
* OUTCOME The Battle of Tours took place
The Franks lost 1,500 soldiers in the battle. The Franks won the battle. A new Christian Roman empire of the west was founded. Many others died in the battle. -
May 26, 735
Bede died
Sep 27, 741
Charles Martel dies
Apr 2, 742
Charlemagne was born
Alfred the Great dies
Clovis starts his reign
Charles Martel was born
Alaric starts his reign as King
Odoacer dies
Alfred the Great was born
Alfred the Great starts his reign
Ivar the Boneless dies
Ivar the Boneless starts his reign
Ivar the Boneless is born
Theodora died
Justinian was born
Charlemagne starts his reign
Charlemagne died
Bede starts his reign
St. Benedict was born
The Holy Roman Empire begins
* OUTCOME The Viking Raids begin
Many were murdered or enslaved. Treasure was stolen from the wealthy. Western Europe suffered greatly during the raids. The continent's economy collapsed in the third century and political unity ended in the fifth century.