
By nisbah
  • Sep 29, 1563

    Poor were given funds

    in 1563, Justices of the Peace were given power to raise funds to support the poor and categories were drawn up: deserving poor, underserving poor.
  • Sep 29, 1572

    Poor tax

    In 1572, it was made compulsary for people to pay a local poor tax,
  • Overseer of the poor

    In 1597, every district must have had an overseer of the poor. They worked out how much money was needed for the poor and set the poor rate accordingly.
  • Poor Law

    The poor law was passed in 1601
  • Poor Law

    The Poor Laws of 1834 made the conditiions of the workhouses even nastier.
  • Poor law was enacted

    In 1834, another new poor law was enacted. This Act stated that no able bodied were to receive money unless they were in the workhouse. Also, the conditions of the workhouse were to be made very harsh which discouraged people from wanting to receive help.
  • Victorian Workhouse

    in 1850's, there were 200,000 people in the workhouse. Men separated from women, able bodied from those who were less fit. All jobs were intended to punish you for being poor. Types of jobs: stone breaking, oakum-picking.