Workers rights

Workers Rights Timeline

  • Looking for workers

    Looking for workers
    English planters found Jamestown colony and complain about lack of laborers
  • Slave Labor

    Slave Labor
    Slaves from Africa first imported to colonies
  • Start of Strikes

    Start of Strikes
    First recorded prosecution against strikers in New York City
  • Fight for slaves

    Fight for slaves
    Slave importation prohibited
  • End of Slavery

    End of Slavery
    President Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation
  • Reconstruction

    Congress begins reconstruction policy in former slave states
  • celebrate workers

    celebrate workers
    First Labor Day parade in New York City
  • labor union

    labor union
    American Federation of Labor founded
  • Womens trade union

    Womens trade union
    women’s Trade Union League formed at AFL convention
  • Industrial Workers of the World

    Industrial Workers of the World
    Industrial Workers of the World founded
  • women voters

    women voters
    19th Amendment to the Constitution gives women the right to vote
  • great depression begins

    great depression begins
    Stock market crashes as stocks fall 40 percent; Great Depression begins
  • strikes

    Upsurge in strikes, including national textile strike, which fails
  • new cio

    new cio
    John L. Lewis resigns and Philip Murray becomes CIO president
  • large strike

    large strike
    Largest strike wave in U.S. history
  • Dr. Martin Luther King assassinated

    Dr. Martin Luther King assassinated
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated in Memphis, Tenn., during sanitation workers' strike
  • work environments

    work environments
    Occupational Safety and Health Act passed
  • women coalition

    women coalition
    Coalition of Labor Union Women founded