Work, Technology, and Exchange

  • 1500

    Middle Passage

  • Triangular Trade

  • Indentured Servants brought

  • James Rolfe's Tabacco Boom

  • Headright System emerges

  • Textile Mills emerge

  • Interchangeable Parts emerge

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Steamboat invention

  • Lowell System of Labor begins

  • Tariff of 1816

  • Henry Clay's American System

  • Second Bank of the United States

  • Panic of 1819

  • Erie Canal

  • Tariff of Abominations

  • Mechanical reaper invention

  • Panic of 1837

  • Rockefeller becomes wealthy

  • Transcontinental railroad is completed

  • Knights of Labor formed

  • Sharecropping emerges

  • Telephone is invented

  • Great Railroad Strike

  • Lightbulb invention

  • Electricity invented

  • American Federation of Labor is formed

  • Haymarket Square Riot

  • Insterstate Commerce Act is enacted

  • Homestead Strike

  • Panic of 1893

  • Dollar Diplomacy

  • Henry Ford's assembly line

  • World War 1 begins

  • Stock Market Crashes

  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

  • Civilian Conservation Corps begins

  • Works Progress Administration founded

  • World War 2 Begins

  • World War 2 Ends