Work Hard To Succeed In Life

By twins12
  • Birth

  • 9/11

  • My Aunt's House

  • Started Kidnegarten

    Started Kidnegarten
  • McFalls, Gentry County, Missouri

    McFalls, Gentry County, Missouri
  • First Basketball Practice

    First Basketball Practice
  • My Birthday (Omaha)

    My Birthday (Omaha)
  • Summer Jam

    Summer Jam
  • Got my two dogs

    Got my two dogs
  • Basketball Season (Won)

    Basketball Season (Won)
  • Dog Died

    Dog Died
  • Mom pregnant with TWINS!

    Mom pregnant with TWINS!
  • Birthday (Chicago)

    Birthday (Chicago)
  • TTT-S

  • Delivery Room

    Delivery Room
  • Bring Babies Home From Hospital

    Bring Babies Home From Hospital
  • Spring Garden

    Spring Garden
  • Beginnig of High School

    Beginnig of High School