Mp8kkhwk 1400151280

World War 1

  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    Started the Triple Alliance that linked Germany,Austria Hungary and Italy
  • Russia and Japanese

    Russia and Japanese
    The Russo Japanese war get started
  • The Triple Entente

    The Triple Entente
    The Triple Entente of 1907 linked France, Britain and Russia.
  • Imperialisim

    Germany wanted to create an European Empire.
  • Battle of marne

    Battle of marne
    This was war that took place in frnace. war between germany and the triple entente
  • Archeducke Franz Ferdinand

    Archeducke Franz Ferdinand
    Archeducke Franz Ferdinand was killed by a serbian
  • Imperialisim

    Britain declared war on Germany
  • Nationalism

    The battle of the Somme Started
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    This was a very long war between the french armyand the germany army
  • Germany firmed the armistice

    Germany firmed the armistice
    The armistice day caused the ending of WW1
  • Russia surrender

    Russia surrender
    They firmed a treaty of peace called ''The treaties of Berst-Litvosk
  • End WWI

    The triple entente wins the war, date of ending
  • Treaty of Versallies

    Treaty of Versallies
    The treaty of versailles was a treaty made by the triple entente to punihs germany because of all the damage they did during the war
  • Short and Long term consequences

    -The triple entente
    -Ligue of nations
    -People deaths and injuries
    -Treaty of versailles
    -Collapse of the empires