Word of the Day Week of October 26

  • Unique

    (adjective): highly unusual, extraordinary, rare, etc.: a common usage objected to by some
    When the executive entered the meeting, the persona he carried was strikingly unique.
  • Forefront

    (noun): the extreme front; the position of most activity , importance
    The country's apsiring leader was the forefront of the new movement.
  • Bravado

    (noun): pretended courage or defiant confidence where there is really little to none
    The would-be hero's bravado was easily seen by the villian.
  • Absurdity

    (noun): the quality of state of being absurd; nonsense
    The detective exposed the absurdity of the eyewitness's testimony, clarifying his lies.
  • Stealth

    (noun): secret, furtive, or artfully sly action or behavior
    The country's new stealth aircraft would be undetectable by any radar.