Women;s Suffrage timeline

  • Susan B. Anthony

    A leading proponent of women’s suffrage; the right to vote, she was born to a strict Quaker family. After voting illegally in the presidential election of 1872, Anthony was fined $100 at her trial.. 1n 1869 Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton had founded the National Women Suffrage Association, which united with another group in 1890 to become the National American Women Suffrage Association.
  • Illegal voting

    In 1871 and 1872, Susan B. Anthony and other women tested that the question, “Weren’t women citizen’s, too?” by attempting to vote at least 150 times in ten states and the District of Columbia. The Supreme Court ruled in 1875 that women were indeed citizens but then denied that citizenship automatically conferred the right to vote.
  • Carry Nation and the WCTU

    The Women's Christian Temperance Union spearheaded the crusade for prohibition. members advanced their cause by entering saloons, singing, praying, and urging saloonkeepers to stop selling alcohol. the union was transformed by Frances Willard, and the WCTU became the largest women's group in the nation's history. The WCTU reform activities, like those of the settlement-house movement, provided women with expanded public roles, which they justified giving women voting rights.
  • NAWSA Formed

    The NWSA, united with another group to become the National American Woman Suffrage Association. other prominent leaders included lucy Stone, and Julia Ward Howe, the author of "The Battle Hymm of the Republic." women suffrage faced constant opposition. The liquor industry feared that women would vote in support of prohibition, whiile textile industry worried that women would vote restrictions on child labor. many men simply feared the changing roles of women in society.
  • Carrie Chapman Catt New NAWSA Tactics

    Susan B. Anthony successor as president of NAWSA was Carrie Chapman Catt, who served from 1900 to 1904 and resumed the presidency in 1915. When Catt returned to NAWSA after organizing New York's Women's Suffrage Party, she concentrated on five tactics, 1.)Painstaking organization 2.)close ties between local, state, and national workers 3.) establishing a wide base of support 4. cautios lobbying and 5.) gracious, lady like behavoir.