Women's Suffrage Movement

  • Susan B, Anthony

    She founded the National Women Suffrage Association which united with another group to beome the NAWSA with Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She voted illegally.
  • Illegal Voting

    Susan B. Anthony and oter women illegally voted 150 times in ten states and the District of Columbia. The Supreme Court ruled that women were citizens, but then denied that citizenship automatically conferred the right to vote.
  • Carry Nation and the WCTU

    Carry Nation and the WCTU worked for prohiibition of alcoholic beverages by entering saloons, singing, praying, and urging saloonkeepers to stop selling alcohol. Doing this helped them have a say in the government.
  • NAWSA Formed

    National American Woman Suffrage Association. Women's role started changing in socitey.
  • Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics

    Women gained voting rights in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Washington, and Idaho by increasing the activism of local groups, bold new strategies to build enthusiasm for the movement, and the rebirth of national movement.
  • 19th Amendment

    All women could finally vote.