Sencea Falls Convention
Women split over the Fourteenth and Fifiteenth Amendment, which granted rights to African American men but not the women. A woman by the name of Susan B. Anthony, leading proponet of woman suffrage, the right to vote, said " [I] would sooner cut off my right hand than ask the ballot for the black man and not for women." -
Illegal Voting
SInce women wasn't allowed to vote or run for office, women strove to improve conditios at work and home. Their social housekeeping targeted workplace reform, housing reform, educational reform and food and drug laws. -
Carry Nation and the WCTU
in the 1890's the Carrt Nation worked for prohibition by walking into saloons and scolding the customers, using her hatchet to destroy beer bottles. The WCTU would enter saloons, singing, praying and urging them to stop sellin alcohol. Boasting 245,000 members by 1911 the WCTU became the largest womens group in the nation's history. The union was transformed by Frances Willard, and the members followed his slogan " do everything". -
NAWSA Formed,
The National American Women Suffrage Association was inspired by by another group called the NWSA. Women often faced constant opposition. The liquor industry was afraid that women would vote to support the prohibition. The Textile industry feared that wome would vote against child labor. While others were afraid of the changes in the womens role in society. -
Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics.
Susan B. Anthony's successor as president of NAWSA was Carrie Chapman Catt. Catt concentrated on 5 tactics: 1) painstaking organization; 2) close ties between local, state, and national workers.
3) establishing a wide base of support; 4) cautious lobbying, 5) gracious, ladylike behavior. -
19th Amendment
Congress passed the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. The amendment won final ratification on August 1920- 72 years after women had first convened and demanded the vote at Sencea Falls convention in 1848.