Women's Suffrage

  • Period: to


  • Senecca Falls Convention

    A women's rights convention is held in Senecca Falls, with Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton reading off a mirror of the Declaration of Independence, the "Declaration of Sentiments"
  • First National Women's Rights convention

    This is the first ever NWR comvention, taking place in Worcester, Massachussets. These are held anually till 1860, save 1857.
  • AERA

    American Equal Rights Association; Black suffrage & Women's suffrage groups merge together.
  • NWSA founded

    AERE splits, Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stantion form the Nation Women's Suffrage Association.
  • Wyoming grants suffrage

    Wyoming becomes the first state allowing women to vote.
  • NAWSA formed

    The NWSA & AWSA merge together to form the National American Women's Suffrage Association.
  • Carrie Catt joins the picture

    Carrie Chapman Catt becomes the president \ head of the NAWSA organization.
  • WTUL formed

    The National Women's Trade Union League is formed, fighitng for better wage & safer working conditions for women.
  • NWP formed

    After conflicts with NAWSA, Alice Paul and Lucy Burns form the National Women's Party.
  • 19th amd. passed

    The 19th ammendment to the constitution is passed, granting women the right to vote.