Votes women

Women's Sufferage

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Was an early influental convention for women;s sufferage and was organized by local New York women.
  • Wyoming

    Was the the first state to allow women to have the right to vote without any restrictions or qualifications. State Legislatures made this possible because they achieved and conquered their territory.
  • Iliegal Voting

    Iliegal Voting
    Susan B. Anthony was one of the first people to vote illegally she voted illegally 150 times and got arrested purposefully so she could go to court and present her trial infront of a jury.
  • Supreme Court Decision

    Supreme Court Decision
    The Supreme court decision ruled that women were citizens but denied that citizenship automatically conferred the right to vote.
  • NAWSA Formed

    The National American Woman Association was formed. Created for Womens Sufferage.
  • Carrie Chapman Catt

    Was the rebirth of the national movement in which was under Carrie Chapman Catt. She campained for the 19th amendment to the constitiution.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Lead to the refore of savety in the workplace. This was the deadliest industrial disaster in New York. Manager locked doors, stairways, and exits. Many jumped out of windows knowing they were going to die anyways.
  • New Nawsa Tactics

    1. Painstaking organization, 2. close ties between local, state, and national workers. 3. They established a wide base of support.
  • More Radical Tactics

    Paul organized her followers to mount a round-the-clock pickett line around teh white house. Some of the picketterers were arrested and jailed.
  • the 19th Amendment

    Congress passed the 19th admendment whiched allowed women to have the right to vote. this was a big step in Women's Sufferage.