Womens suferage

  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca falls was a womens convention that wemon came together to discuss womens rights, and created a document with rights women should have.
  • Susan B Anthony

    “I would sooner cutoff my right hand than ask the ballot for the black man and not for women.”
  • Illegal Voting

    After voting illegally in the presidentialelection of 1872, Anthonywas fined $100 at her trial. "Nota penny shall go to this unjustclaim,” she defiantly declared.She never paid the fine
  • WCTU against Alcohol

    The WCTU (Woman's Christian Temperance Union) Spearheaded the crusade to fight alcohol. The union became the largest Womens union in U.S. history.
  • Carry Nation

    Had extreamist views against the prohibition, and supports vamdalism.
  • NAWSA Forms

    Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton had founded the National WomenSuffrage Association (NWSA), which united with another group in 1890 to become the National American Woman Suffrage Association,or NAWSA.
  • Carrie Chamoman Catt's new plans

    (1) painstaking organization;(2) close ties between local, state, and national workers;(3) establishing a wide base of support; (4) cautious lobbying;and (5) gracious, ladylike behavior.
  • 19th Admendment

    Wemon granted the right to vote