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Womens Rights Movement

  • Period: to

    Women wanting more property rights

    Women were not allowed to own any type of property on their own everything was owned by the males, so they started fighting to have more rights when it came to property.
  • Period: to

    Women's Rights Movement

    A period of time where women were fighting to be equal to men, there were many different struggles the women fought and many ways where they made progress. Though there has been a lot of change and progress women are still fighting this fight to this day.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from France in 1803. In return for fifteen million dollars, or approximately eighteen dollars per square mile.
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the organizers of the first Women’s rights conventions. She was also one of the main supporters of Women’s political rights.
  • Women began to fight for the right to vote

    Women began to fight for the right to vote
    Women wanted to be equal to men and a major part about that is having the right to vote. The weekend following this day is when women started this fight for equality.
  • First Gathering Devoted Specifically to Women

    During this gathering, the women there decided what different rights they would like to fight for. These rights included property rights, the right to vote, and equal educational opportunities.
  • Seneca Fall Convention

    Seneca Fall Convention
    This Convention was a big part of the Women's Rights Movement. Among doing many other things on this day, the women here started the progress towards women being able to vote.
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    Susan B. Anthony started the campaign for married women's rights for property rights and was the second president of the NAWSA organization.
  • Alice Paul

    Alice Paul
    Alice Paul was a leader of a wing of the women suffrage movement and after being apart of many riots she was even imprisoned. After being released from jail she did many things including proposing the Equal Rights Amendment which was intended to have equal opportunity in divorce, property, employment, etc.
  • the 19th amendment

    the 19th amendment
    On this day in history president, Woodrow Wilson ratified the 19th amendment which made it so that someones right to vote can not be denied based on sex. This was a huge step for the Women's Rights Movement since this meant they would be able to have an influence on the president so that they could help put someone in office who would make a difference and help move the Women's movement even further.
  • Equal Pay Act

    In 1963 the equal pay act was signed by President John F. Kennedy which made it so that women and men were paid the same when performing the same job in the same workplace.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was a module that landed on the moon, after a while Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon and when he did that he planted an American flag claiming the moon to be the United States property.
  • Title IX of 1972

    In 1972 President Nixon signed Title IX of the Education Amendment which made it so that no one could be denied participation, or be denied benefits on the basis of sex. It also states that no one should be subjected to discrimination under any education program.