Womens rights

  • First Women's Rights Convention

    First Women's Rights Convention
    The first women's rights convention was held in New York, this would be the start of women speaking out on the rights the deserve.
  • First National Women's Rights Convention

    First National Women's Rights Convention
    The first national convention takes place in Massachusetts.
  • "Ain't I a Woman?"

    "Ain't I a Woman?"
    One of my favorite speeches is "Ain't I a Woman?" by Sojourner Truth, a woman and former slave.
  • Women's Rights to Own Land

    Women's Rights to Own Land
    With the Homestead act of 1862 women could now own land who were either divorced, widowed, or single.
  • Ratification of the 15th Amendment

    Ratification of the 15th Amendment
    Although this was to let African-Americans vote it still took us a big step into the right direction of letting women vote.
  • CU Formed

    CU Formed
    The CU is the Congressional Union for women's suffrage. They campaign for women's suffrage
  • The First Issue of "The Suffragist"

    The First Issue of "The Suffragist"
    A newspaper called "The Suffragist" was made weekly to speak out on women's suffrage.
  • NWP Formed

    NWP Formed
    NWP is the National Women's Party which is another organization that would help fight for women's suffrage.
  • Paul and Winslow's Hunger Strike

    Paul and Winslow's Hunger Strike
    Alice Paul and Rose Winslow started a hunger strike between many people while they were in jail for being a picketer.
  • The "Night of Terror"

    The "Night of Terror"
    On the "Night of Terror" many pickets were arrested and were treated cruel by being beaten in their cells.
  • Women's Suffrage Amendment Passed

    Women's Suffrage Amendment Passed
    President Wilson passed the Women's Suffrage Amendment, sadly he only passed it due to war.
  • 19th Amendment Passed!

    19th Amendment Passed!
    The 19th amendment gives women the rights to vote!
  • Sources

    Alvernia University. (2020, November 10). Women's suffrage: Timeline of important events. LibGuides. Retrieved September 16, 2022, from https://alvernia.libguides.com/women_suffrage/timeline
  • Question 1

    1. Now women can do everything a man can in our day, we have the same rights as a man.
  • Question 2

    1. Back during WW1 there was some compromise between certain things on women's rights so they could help out with the war.
  • Question 4

    1. I believe in the future women will still have rights and that hopefully sexism between people will go away because we truly are all equal.
  • Question 3

    1. Almost all Americans believe that women should have rights and that we are equal, yet there is one controversial subject on abortion that people have mixed feelings about.