
Womens Rights

  • Rights in Senca Falls

    Rights in Senca Falls
    The first women's rights convention more then 68 women and 32 men.
  • Rigths in Worcster , Mass..

    Rigths in Worcster , Mass..
    The first women's rigths convention in Worcster Masss.. More then 1,000 particpant there. More conventions where held the till 1860 , but not 1857.
  • Susan B. Anthony and Elivabeth figth for women's rigths

    Susan B. Anthony and Elivabeth figth for women's rigths
    They made an assocation of suffrage and rigths for the women.
  • The big new Colorado lets womens have rigths

    The big new Colorado lets womens have rigths
    Colorado was the first state to let women have the rigth to vote and the other rigths they needed.
  • The womens colored convention

    The womens colored convention
    colored act that more than 100 black women followed that convention.
  • NAWSA wages by-state campagigns

    NAWSA wages by-state campagigns
    NAWSA wages for state by-state campagians to obtain voting rigths for women.
  • The national women's trade union

    The national women's trade union
    The first National Women's Rigths Trade Union Leagueis established toadovcate for improved wages and working condationa for women.
  • The first U.S. birth- control

    The first U.S. birth- control
    U.S. Birth-control clinic in broocklyn,N.Y. althogh the clinic was closed for 10 days later and Sanger was arrested.
  • fedreal women suffarge amdment

    fedreal women suffarge amdment
    Susan B. Anthony Introdued to Congress in 1887 is been repesnted by the senate and house of represnitives. It is then sent to the states for ratifiaction.
  • 19th admendment document

    19th admendment document
    The 19th admendment was added to the constition granding that women can have rights , and they can vote