in new south wales louisa lawson founded a newspaper called the dawn to make people aware of womens issues.
louisa lawson founded the Dawn club to campainge for womens sufrage.
womens suffrage societiees presented the Victorian Parliament with a petition with more than 30 000 signatures supporting votes for women
new zealand women gained the right to vote
south Australian women gained the vote
vida goldstein became president of the women suffrage league
WA women gained voting rights and federal government
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vida goldstein ran the magazine for womens rights called The Woman's Sphere
NSW and federal government elections won voting rights
TAS won womens voting rights
vida goldstein was a guest speaker at womens meeting in the United States
QLD women won voting rights
VIC womens voting rights
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vida goldstein ran the maagzine for womens right called The Womens Voter
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vida goldstein help britian suffrage movemetn
the right for women to stand for parliment was won in NSW
WA women won right to stand for election for parliamenet
TAS women rwon rights to stand for elction for parliament
Edith Cowan became the first female member of parliament in Australia (election to lower house)
VIC women won right to stand for election
Britain rights to vote extended to all adult women