Sarah pierce
Sarah Pierce establishes first institution in America for higher education of women, in Litchfield, Connecticut. she was a teacher. -
Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Annthony's Birthday -
Kentucky widows with children in school are granted "school suffrage," the right to vote in school board elections. -
Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first licensed woman physician in the United States. -
In Salem, Ohio, women take complete control of their women's rights convention, refusing men any form of participation apart from attendance. -
Victoria Woodhull
Victoria Woodhull becomes a Presidential candidate with her own ballet. -
the first vote for women sufarage was taken at the senate. -
South Dakota
The womens sufarage vote was lost in South Dakota -
War World 2
Around Millions of women enetr World war 2 to help in the work force -
Civil rights act
Rosa Parks was arreseted for talking of cilvil rights movement,in Monurgomery,Alabama. SOme people call her ¨Th mother of freedom movement -
Supreme Court
The supreme court orders that in a workplace it is illegal the sexualy harass someone. -
Madeleine Albright
Madeleine Albright was made the first female Secretary of State. -
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton became the third wmone to becom the secutary of State -
Third women
the third female and first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice was Sonia Sotomayor.