Women vote

  • 1848

    El derecho al voto de las mujeres fue propuesto con seriedad por primera vez en Estados Unidos en julio de 1848, en la Convención pro Derechos de las Mujeres de Seneca Falls, organizada por Elizabeth Cady Stanton y Lucretia Mott.
  • 1889

    Matilde Hidalgo Navarro, was the first women who vote
  • 1893

    the first female suffrage without restrctions was opproved in New zeland
  • 1934

    the female vote was approved for the mancipan elections
  • 1947

    El 23 de septiembre de 1947, durante el gobierno del presidente Juan Domingo Perón, se promulga en Argentina la Ley 13.010 que instituye el voto femenino.
  • 1949

    the right vote was granted to women for presidencial and parliomentary elections
  • 1952

    women participen for the first time in the presidential election
  • 1955

    Sixty-three years ago, Mexican women voted for the first time. it was on July 3, 1955 that the Mexicans exercised the vote in federal elections.
  • 1957

    woman can vote by constitution in colombia
  • 2011

    woman can vote in Arabia saudita