women suffrage

By clear
  • Senech Falls Conventions

    First women convention to disgust women right. Women were splited over the 14 and 15 amendments. Some forght amendments should include the right to vote.
  • Wyoming

    Suffragist leader convinced state legislatures to women the right to vote. They acheieved a victory in the territory of Wyoming.
  • Illegal Voting

    Susan B. Anthony tested the question by attemping to vote in 10 states and district of Columbia.
  • The Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court
    The Supreme Court ruled that women were indeed citizens. But then denied that citizenship automatically conferred the right to vote.
  • NAWSA Formed

    NAWSA Formed
    The Nation Women Suffrage Sssociation (NWSA) united with another group to become the National American Women Suffrage Asscociation (NAWSA).
  • Carrie Chapman Catt

    Susan B. Anthony's successor as president of NAWSA was Carrie Chapman Catt who served from 1900-1904 and resumed the presidency in 1915.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    Dangerous conitions led many female industrial workers to push for reforms. Mostly young women died in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in NY.
  • New NAWSA Tactics

    New NAWSA Tactics
    Catt concentrated on 5 tactics 1.painstaking organiztion 2.close ties between local, state, national workers 3.establishing a wide base of support 4.cautious lobbying 5.gracious, ladylike behavior.
  • More Radical Tactics

    More Radical Tactics
    Lucy Burns and Alice Paul formed their own more radial organization and pressured the federal goverment to pass a suffrage amendment.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Congress passed the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote. It won final ratification after women had first convened and demanded the vote.