Women Sufferage ;)

  • Senca Falls Convention

    Susan was kind of upset she said she would reather cut off her right hand then ask for the ballot for t he black man and not for women.
  • Illegal Voting

    The Women would go on to vote 150 times in ten states but the court would shoot them down denying them the right to vote
  • Carry Nation and the WCTU

    Carry worked hard for the prohibition of alcohal. The WCTU was a womens christian group who wanted to bann the use of alcohal. They would enter salaons singing and praying and would tell the owner to stop selling alcohal
  • Period: to



    was formed by two womens group, One of the leaders was Lucy Stone and Julie Ward Howe
  • Carrire Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics

    Carrie would go on to be in charge and establish new tactics for example close ties between local, state and national workers and gracious ladylike behavior.
  • 19th amendment

    Finally women were granted the right to vote, 72 years later after they had demanded the right to vote at the senca falls convection.