
¨Women´s Suffrage Timeline Assignment¨

  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    After teaching for fifteen years, she became active in temperance. Because she was a woman, she was not allowed to speak at temperance rallies. This experience, and her acquaintance with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, led her to join the women's rights movement in 1852. Soon after, she dedicated her life to woman suffrage. Source: ¨¨
  • Illegal Voting

    Illegal Voting
    Voting was illegal for women, many men were trying to force women to not vote, which caused a huge uproar. It was made illegal for women to vote, and the given reason was that the constitution says men can vote not women. This also caused a large uproar because the constitution should say persons.
  • Carry Nation and the WCTU

    Carry Nation and the WCTU
    Nation fought with fierce and witty words to make her cases. She gained national attention when she started using violence. The WCTU also is an active international temperance organization that was among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform
  • NAWSA Formed

    NAWSA Formed
    American organization created in 1890 by the merger of the two major rival women's rights organizations, the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association ,after 21 years of independent operation. Source: ¨¨
  • Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics

    Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics
    A skilled political strategist, Carrie Clinton Lane Chapman Catt was a suffragist and peace activist who helped secure for American women the right to vote. She directed the National American Woman Suffrage Association, also known as NAWSA, and founded the League of Women Voters to bring women into the political mainstream. Source: ¨¨
  • 19th Ammendment

    19th Ammendment
    The 19th Ammendment is the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. It ended the entire issue of women not having the right to vote and people allowing inequality to women. However many still were outraged women had many more rights. Source: Partially from the Constitution