Women's Suffrage Movement Events

  • "The Revolution"

    "The Revolution"
    Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony publish the book "The Revolution"
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This amendment gave the right to vote to black men. Women still could not vote. White women especially did not understand why black men could vote over white women.
  • Bradwell v. Illinois

    Bradwell v. Illinois
    This Supreme Court case said that the states could determine where women could and could not work. Pictured is Myra Bradwell
  • 1st Women's Union

    1st Women's Union
    The very first women's union that was held in North Carolina. It was in Greensboro.
  • 1st Petition

    1st Petition
    1st petition for Women’s Suffrage in North Carolina's General Assembly. It was denied.
  • Women's Club.

    Women's Club.
    North Carolina's Women's Club was first established
  • 1st Equal Suffrage Movement

    1st Equal Suffrage Movement
    1st meeting of Equal Suffrage meeting held in Charlotte.
  • Workplace Takeover

    Workplace Takeover
    Women move into the workplace taking over men’s jobs as they go off to war. Women start to prove they can do the same jobs men can do and maybe do it better.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment was passed giving women the right to vote.