H woments suffrage1

Women's Suffrage

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    Struggles Of Women's Suffrage

    Women were fighting for many right including the right to hold office, control property, temperence and have jobs in higher offices. One of the most overlooked struggles during the Women's Suffrage Movement was the lenght of their struggle to allow to vote. Big businesses felt threated by women's ability to vote, worried it would raises costs.Many Women were arrested for trying to vote. Some towns attacked the women speaking for women's rights. Even Elizabeth Cady Stanton's father disowned her!
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Falls Convention was formed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucritta Mott and a few other women. Over 200 Women showed up to the Convention! Stanton read her Declaration of Sentiments. She propeses resolutions and one of them was Women's right to vote. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anythony first met at the Seneca Falls Convention.
  • National Women's Suffrage Association was Formed

    National Women's Suffrage Association was Formed
    The National Women's Suffrage Association (NWSA) held conventions and events to promote Women's right to vote. The NWSA was formed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony in the name of women's equality. The NWSA funded newspapers, phamplets, books and other publications.
  • Amendment was first introduced

    Amendment was first introduced
    NWSA and other suffrage groups finally gathered enough support to go to congress about making Women's suffrage an amendment to the Constitution.
  • Amendment

    After 1878 the proposal made it to the Senate but was shot down...so the Suffrage movement would try again.
  • Susan B Anthony died

    Susan B Anthony died
    susan B Anthony played a major role in womens rights not only the suffrage movement, but education and labor for women. she helped form the NWSA in 1869She played a big role in the temperence movement (because of her quacker influence). She wanted an 8 hr work day and equal pay for everyone.
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    Wilson and Women's Rights

    At Wilson's inaguration there was a massive suffrage prade in Washington D.C; many women were injured at the rally. In 1918 Wilson changed his opinion about Women's rights so he began to give women more roles in WWI. In 1918 when the amendment came up again Wilson supported Women and urged Senate to vote yes.
  • The Amendment tries AGAIN!

    The Amendment tries AGAIN!
    The amendment was passed in the house of representatives 304-89, more than the needed votes.
  • Amendment in Senate

    Amendment in Senate
    The amendment was passed in the Senate (56-25) and then sent to staes for ratification. Within one year 35 states had ratified the amendment ALMOST enough to make it an amendment
  • 19th Amendment was Ratified

    19th Amendment was Ratified
    The 19th Amendment also known as the Anthony Amendment granted American Women the right to vote.