Susan B. Anthony
SUsan B. Anthony was a women who wanted to earn women theright to vote. She at one point was arrested for illgally voting. Later one she said ," I would sooner cut off my right hand then ask the ballot for black men and not for women." -
Illegal Voting
A women named SUsan B. Anthony tried to Illegally vote in the election of 1872. HSe was fined $100 at her trail. She said ," Not a penny shall go to this unjust claim. She never paid the fine. -
Carry Nation and the WCTU
Carry Nation was a women that lead teh Woman's christian temperance union. HSe would take women into saloons and they would sing and prey for the saloonskeepers to stop serving alcohol. Carry Nation would carry her hatchet into the salooms and smash bottles of liquior. -
NAWSA Formed
NAWSA stands for Natiional American Womens Suffrage Association. This Group was formed for women who wanted to earn the right to vote. They did peaceful rallies and has parades trying to convinve people to let them vote. -
Carrie Chapman Catt and New NAWSA Tactics
Carrie Chapman Catt was Susan B. Anthony's successor. Whne Carrie returned as president of the NAWSA, she ame with some new rules. 1) Painstaking organiszation 2) Close ties betweeen local, state, and national workers 3) establishing a wide base of support 4) cautious lobbying 5) gracious; ladylike behavior.
These were the new tactics fot the NAWSA -
19th Amendment
The 19th Amendment was passed, granting women the right to vote. it had finally come all together on August 1920. 72 years after women first convend and demanded the right to vote.