Susan B. Anthony
Led a movement for womens suffrage. Gained voting rights in several states. Challenged supream court on 14th amendment. -
Illegal voting
A group of women, led by susan b anthony attempted to vote 150 times despite not having the right to do so. -
Carry nation and the WCTU
Members of the WCTU would go into saloons, Singing, Praying, and urging saloons to stop seling alcohol. -
Was origionally the NWSA. Cause a fear from the textile and liquor industries. -
Carrie Chapman Catt and new NAWSA Tactics
Increased activism, Bold new stratigies, and rebirth under Carrie Chapman Catt. Door to door campaignes, and new members largely consisting of college educated women. -
19th amendment
Women finally got the right to vote, and it ratified in congress in august 1920.