Women's Rights/Women's Movement

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    First Wave of Feminism

    This wave of feminism fought for political rights, mainly focusing on women's suffrage.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    19th Amendment Ratified
    Women gain the right to vote.
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    World War II and Women

    With World War II, many women were given the opportunity to work and do jobs that were for men due to the restructuring of the US. This led to the fight for equal pay and better work conditions.
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    Second Wave of Feminism

    This wave of feminism focused on expanding more general rights for women, including reproductive and family rights. They also pushed to gain more rights in the workplace.
  • "The Feminine Mystique" is Published

    "The Feminine Mystique" is Published
    An influential book by Betty Friedan which is credited for kickstarting the second wave of feminism.
  • Equal Pay Act is Passed

    Congress passes the Equal Pay Act, stating that it is illegal for employers to pay a woman less than what a man would receive for the same job.
  • National Organization for Women Founded

    National Organization for Women Founded
    A group consisting of feminists fighting for equal rights for all women.
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    Third Wave of Feminism

    This wave of feminism deals with the continuing fight for equality between men and women. Some topics being focused on are the wage gap and reproductive rights for women.