Women's Rights Timeline

  • First Woman's Rights Convention

    68 women and 38 men sign the Declaration of Sentiments at Seneca Falls, New York.
  • National Woman Suffrage Association

    Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton create the National Woman Suffrage Association to try and achieve voting rights for women.
  • Colorado Grants Women to Vote

    Colorado is the first state to grant women the right to vote and some other states including Idaho, Washington, California, etc, follow after.
  • National Women's Trade Union League

    The National Women's Trade Union League was created to advocate for better wages and working conditions for women.
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment has been created granting women the right to vote.
  • Daughters of Bilitis

    The Daughters of Bilitis is the first lesbian organization in the U.S. Later, it developed into a political organization to get acceptance for lesbians in the U.S.
  • Birth Control Approved

    The Food and Drug Administration approves the use of birth control pills.