The Declaration of Independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson -
Sojourner Truth
Truth was an activist for the civil rights of black Americans and women's rights in the 19th century. She delivered the famous "Ain't I a Women?" speech, which brought a lot of sympathy towards the cause. She became dedicated to fighting for equal rights after her son was taken from her. -
Grimke sisters
The Grimke sisters were known for their very strong hate towards slavery and inequality of race and sex. They were of the first to speak of these issues in front of crowds of opposing people and risked being in danger for speaking so outwardly on these topics. They were threatened, but continued speaking about these touchy issues. -
Matilda Joslyn Gage
Gage (1826-1898) was an important, some say radical, leader in the women's rights movement during the 1800s. She wrote about women in areas of invention and military. She also wrote for publications supporting women's suffrage and co-founded the NWSA. She worked alongside other important figures such as Susan B. Anthony. -
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Stanton devoted her life to fighting for women's rights. She, and other women, worked together to create the first women's rights convention, which was Seneca Falls. This propelled the women's rights movement and led to others following in her footsteps. -
Seneca Falls
The first women's rights convention was held in 1848 in New York, known as the Seneca Falls convention. It's purpose was to advocate for the equal rights of women. They created a list of 11 resolutions that they demanded that they have as well, the ninth caused the most stir, as it stated that women should be able to vote. -
"Ain't I a Woman?" Speech
Delivered by Sojourner Truth -
Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony (lived from 1820-1906) is one of the most renowned activists of the women's rights movements. She partially led the National American Women's Suffrage Association for years. She delivered speeches all over the country, heavily pushed the urgency of this movement, and although died before it was enacted, contributed to the 19th amendment becoming ratified. -
Women's Suffrage Parade
Held in Washington, thousands of women marched in support of women's right to vote. It brought women from all over the country to come together to show the resolve these women have to fight for their rights. It brought in a new energy and lots of support for the cause. -
Ratification of 19th Amendmen
The 19th amendment legalized women to vote. This allowed for women to finally have a stepping stone into the political field, as this, and many other rights given to men, were denied to them. However, this amendment at the time really only guaranteed white women's right to vote, which caused issues soon after the ratification. -
Shirley Chisholm in office
Shirley Chisholm was the first black woman to be elected into Congress. This was an important step to take towards both black and representation of women in the political world. She especially worked towards improving the lives of women in poverty. -
Senate Testimony on the ERA
By Gloria Steinem -
Phyllis Schlafly
Schlafly was the most prominent figure to oppose the ERA and caused the amendment to derail. She created the STOP ERA (Stop taking our privileges). She was able to rally an army of women who feared the consequences of the ERA, which was essentially the removal of women's rights to stay at home and cause them to be drafted and such. -
"Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too"
By Salma Hayek -
"The Gendered History of Human Computers"
By Clive Thompson -
"The True Story of ‘Mrs. America’"
By Jeanne Dorin McDowell -
Barbie Monologue
By America Ferrera