
Women's Rights

  • First Women's Convention at Seneca Falls

    First Women's Convention at Seneca Falls
    Established the agenda of the Women's Rights Movement for years to come, called it the Declaration of Sentiments.
  • Susan B. Anthony Votes

    Susan B. Anthony Votes
    Anthony cast her vote in the Presidential Election, and was brought to trial. At the time it was illegal to vote
  • Women's Suffrage on the National Platform

    Women's Suffrage on the National Platform
    Woman Suffrage is supported for the first time at the national level by a major political party -- Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party.
  • 19th Amendment is passed

    19th Amendment is passed
    The Senate passes the 19th Amendment, stating that the right to vote cannot be denied based upon sex.
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    President John F. Kennedy signs the Equal Pay Act into law. The equal pay act prohibits sex based wage discrimination. The act basically states that there cannot be a man making more money doing the same job as a women, and the pay difference be based on sex.
  • Title VII

    Title VII
    Title VII bans discrimination based on race, religion, national origin or sex in the workplace, specifically during the hiring process.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    President Nixon signs Title IX into law, stating that no one be excluded from: participation, benefits of, or be subject to discrimination in an educational program that receives Federal finances, based off of their sex
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    US Supreme Court declares the Constitution protects a woman's right to an abortion is legal. It is a landslide 7-2 victory.
  • Violence Against Women Act

    Violence Against Women Act
    Provides funds for programs to supports victims of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, and other gender related violence. Signed into law by President Clinton as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.