
Women's rights

  • How it all began

    The history of the women’s rights movement started on July 13, 1848 with a small group of women in New York. When Elizabeth Cady Stanton and four other of her friends were invited to tea and their conversation turned to the situation of women why women’s lives was so narrowed. That’s when a date was set up for a convention to discuss the social, civil, religious condition. It was held at the Wesleyan chapel in Seneca Falls on July 19 and 20 1848.
  • Women's Suffrage

    Women’s suffrage is the right to vote In political elections. For non-white women gaining the vote also meant fighting against racial injustices. New Zealand became the first country to give women the right to vote on a national level in 1893.
  • Women's Suffrage (Part 2)

    Women gained the right to vote in 1920 with the passage of the 19 Amendment. Of Course none of this would have happened without the leaders of the campaign - women like Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone and Ida B. Wells. They had their differences and did not always agree with one another but they put that aside to focus on one goal.
  • Women's Changing Roles In The 1920's

    A lot of important changes for women took place in politics, their home, their workplace and in education. The roles of American women in the 1920’s changed quickly between the “New Women” the Traditionalists and the older generation. The “New Woman'' embraced new fashions, personal freedom and new ideas that challenged the traditional roles of women.
  • Women's Changing Roles In The 1920's (Part 2)

    The traditionalists feared that the “New Morality” of the era was threatening family values and the rightful roles of women in their home. The majority of the women remained in the traditional role of housewife. The number of working women increased by 25%. Women’s roles in the workplace included factory workers, secretaries, salesclerks and telephone operators. The number of women attending college rose to 10% of the population by the end of the 1920’s.
  • Women's Job at Home Compared to Men's

    In the video Leave it Beaver : “Beaver gets Spelled”, Beaver’s mom's job was taking care of the kids, preparing their lunchbox, dealing with school related matters involving the children, Cleaning the house, washing dishes and preparing the food. You can see that she is the typical average mom. The one that takes care of the household.
  • Women's Job at Home Compared to Men's (Part 2)

    While men’s responsibilities were going to work earning income, taking care of family emergencies, taking care of financial problems and making decisions for the family. You can see that the dad took care of work while the mom took care of the household and the kids.
  • A Brave Women That Helped Start Something Important

    A Brave Women That Helped Start Something Important
    By refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus Rosa Parks helps women's to launch the civil rights movement.
  • Women's Status

    In the year 1960’s women marched for changes in employment practices, life choices like (abortion) and politics. Some women wanted to pursue careers and family at the same time while others wanted to pursue professional careers only. During world war II many women worked in factories and other industries. But when the war was over they were fired from their work and were expected to give up their jobs to men returning from the war.
  • Women's Status (Part 2)

    Jobs that were available to women were less paying and prestigious than men’s jobs. Women were discriminated against when they tried to move into jobs traditionally held by men. Some groups of women thought that change can be achieved by changing the law and by publicizing their cause through the media. Those women were called The Mainstream.
  • Women's Status (part 3)

    They were another group of women who thought that men would not give up their power willingly so stronger action had to be taken, they wanted change in education and division of labor (home and work) and the removal of sexual stereotyping.
  • Women's Status (Historical Thinking Concepts Applied) (Part 2)

    The turning points that created change were when the Royal Commission on The Status of Women pointed out a few complains they wanted to change like;
    Discrimination in the workplace
    Discrimination in the past-secondary ( University & College )
    Women stereotyped as not being interested in careers
    Unequal pay in the workplace
    Immigrant women cannot speak or write English well
    Unequal duties in their home (bc ; women everything men do nothing)
  • Women's Status ( Historical Thinking Concepts Applied)

    The example above shows that my theme is in progression because women did make a change. Looking through the year the government did make changes to the law, but there was some stuff that stayed the same like the amount of money women make compared to men. The wage gap women made $0.72 for every $1.00 man made. But the government began to:
    Fund maternity leave
    Fund daycare services with tax deduction and allowances
  • Movies and Music Video That Talks About Women's Right's

    Movies and Music Video That Talks About Women's Right's
    Ain't your mama (Music)
    Hidden Figure (Movie)
    Belle (Movie)
    The Help (Movie) All found on Disney
  • Women's rights meaning

    Women’s rights mean; “ rights that give women a position of legal and social equality of women to men”. Meaning women's right to vote, life choices like (abortion) and politics.
  • Women's Suffrage (Part 3)

    But there are still some countries where women do not have the right to vote. Country’s like; Vatican City in Rome, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan and many more countries where women's right to vote is not allowed. Vatican City is the last place in the world that still prevents women from voting. People are only allowed to vote when a new pope is selected, but not all men are allowed to vote. In Afghanistan women are required to ask permission to leave their home unless it's urgent.
  • Women's Suffrage (Part 4)

    That law was established in 2009 in Afghanistan, making it really difficult to vote without asking permission from a guardian. Same thing in Syria women have been cut of from political engagement. In some areas in Pakistan women have been prohibited from voting.
  • Conclusion

    Women themselves made these changes happen. It did not just happen like a miracle. It was many generations of women who worked together to affect the changes that we see today in the democratic ways. Through meeting, petition drives, lobbying, public speaking and non- violent resistance.