Women's suffrage in the uk

Women's Suffrage in the United Kingdom 1851-1928

  • Sheffield Female Political Association

    Sheffield Female Political Association
    The Sheffield Female Political Association is founded and submits a petition calling for women's suffrage to the House of Lords. This was the first women's suffrage organization in the United Kingdom.
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    Women's Suffrage in the United Kingdom

    Women's suffrage in the United Kingdom became a national movement in the nineteenth century. Women in the United Kingdom fought for equal rights and for representation in the government. The battle for equal rights was long and hard and many women put their lives on the line. This movement changed the course of history and had helped women all over the world today.
  • John Stuart Mill Elected MP

    John Stuart Mill Elected MP
    John Stuart Mill was elected as a member of parliament for Westminster. He was considered a radical in parliament because of his support for equality for women, and he wrote "The Subjection of Women" where he talked about how women should be given the write to vote and treated equally as men. This gave the women of the suffrage movement more of a voice because he was in a position of power.
  • Municipal Franchise Act

    Municipal Franchise Act
    The Municipal Franchise Act gives single women rate-payers- the right to vote in local elections. (The exact date in unknown)

    The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS), also known as the Suffragists (not to be confused with the suffragettes) was an organization of women's suffrage societies in the United Kingdom.
  • Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

    Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
    Elizabeth Garrett Anderson is elected as mayor of Aldeburgh,UK. She is the first female mayor in the United Kingdom and served as a voice for the women's suffrage movement.
  • Marion Wallace Dunlop

    Marion Wallace Dunlop
    Marion Wallace Dunlop went on the first hunger strike. She was released from jail, after 91 hours of fasting. This sparked a trend in the women's suffrage movement.
  • Black Friday

    Black Friday
    Black Friday was a women's suffrage event that occurred in the United Kingdom. The protests started in response to parliamentary proceedings regarding the Conciliation Bill, which would have extended the right of women to vote in Britain and Ireland to around 1,000,000 wealthy, property-owning women. The bill made it to a second reading, but British Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith indicated that there would be no more Parliamentary time for the reading in the current session.
  • Emily Davison

    Emily Davison
    Emily Davison was a suffragette who fought for women's suffrage in Britain in the early 20th century. Militant suffragette Emily Wilding Davison fought to gain equal voting rights for British women before dying at the Epsom Derby in 1913. She stepped out in front of a horse belonging to King George V in attempt to get his attention as he watched from his box.
  • Qualification of Women Act

    Qualification of Women Act
    The Eligibility of Women Act was passes, allowing women to be elected into parliament. Constance Georgine Markievicz was the first women to be elected into the british house of commons.
  • Women Recieved the right to vote

    Women Recieved the right to vote
    Women over the age of 21 were given the right to vote as a result of Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act of 1928. The 1928 Act widened suffrage by giving women electoral equality with men.