Women's rights

Women's rights

  • The Seneca Falls convention

    Many leaders such as elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott published the declaration of sentiments and Resolutions, modeled after the declaration of independence. It stated, in a nutshell, that "all men and women are created equal."
  • 1st national women's rights convention held in Worcester, Massachussetts.

  • Susan B Anthony forms Equal Rights Association

  • Women Granted Voting rights in Wyoming Territory

    It was the 1st region in the USA to give women the right to vote.
  • Women Suffrage amendment 1st introduced in Congress

  • Belva Lockwood runs for President

    She was the 1st woman to run for president.
  • Colorado adopts Woman Suffrage

  • Utah Joins the Union, granting women full suffrage

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    Many States including Washington, Kansas, and Michigan adopt woman suffrage

  • The House of Reps and Senate pass the federal Woman Suffrage Amendment

  • Tennessee Ratifies the 19th amendment, called the Susan B Anthony amendment on this day it became a law.