Women's Rights

  • Abigail Adam's Letter

    Abigail Adam's Letter
    Abigail Adams wrote a letter to John Adams about 'remembering the ladies'
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    A Women's Rights convention is hosted
  • Aint I a Woman? Speech

    Aint I a Woman? Speech
    Sojourner Truth gave her the "Aint I a Woman?" Speech.
  • Susan Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton

    Susan Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton
    These 2 women, Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, started the National Women Suffrage Association
  • Wyoming

    Wyoming is the first state to allow Women's Suffrage
  • Birth Control Clinic

    Birth Control Clinic
    Margeret Sanger opens the first Birth Control Clinic.
  • Jeannette Rankin

    Jeannette Rankin
    Rankin becomes sworn in as the first woman elected to congress
  • Ratification of the 19th Amendment

    Ratification of the 19th Amendment
    Suffrage for women nationally become a thing.
  • Amelia Earheart

    Amelia Earheart
    Becomes the first woman, although the second pilot, to fly across the antarctic solo.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks refuses to get up for a white man