Women's Rights

  • Betty Friedan

    Betty Friedan
    Betty conducted a survey of college-educated women and found that many were dissastisfied with their lives. Nearly all of the survey takers were Full-time homemakers. Text book
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
    A movement to get rid of discrimination, ironically discriminates against women. The two female volunteers in 1964 of SNCC noted "Assumption of male superiority: was "as widespread and as crippling to women as the assumptions of white supremacy are to the Negro."
  • Feminist Movement

    Feminist Movement
    The core belief of the womens liberation movement was feminism, the conviction that women and men should be socially, politically and econcmically equal. Text book
  • National Organization for Women

    National Organization for Women
    This womens rights organization fought gender discriminatin in the workplace, schools and justice system.
  • The Feminine Mystique

    The Feminine Mystique
    in the late 1960s The Feminine Mystique had lit up the debate through the nation between toles and rights of women.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    This proposed amendment to the constitution promised equal treatment for men and women in all spheres, not just emplyment. In 1978 NOW organized a march for ERA. Text book
  • Phyllis Schlafly

    Phyllis Schlafly
    One of the most outspoken critics of the ERA. She argueed that it would that this would take away any leagal protection all the women that already had without confrencing any new benefits. text book
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    The supreme court stuck down state laws that banned abortion in the landmark case Roe v Wade Text book