Women’s Suffrage Movement By: Arah Marie Al-shabanah (if the month and day is September 27 it means i couldn’t find a month or date)
The National Women’s Trade Union League is established
Margaret Sanger opens the first US birth-control clinic in Brooklyn
The federal woman suffrage amendment is passed and sent to the states for ratification
The 19th Amendment to the Constitution is signed into law
The Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor is formed
Margaret Sanger founds the American Birth Control League
Mary McLeod Bethune organizes the National Council of Negro Women
DOB, the first lesbian organization in the United States, is founded.
FDA approves brith pills
Congress passes the Equal Pay Act
The Civil Rights Act bans discrimination in employment on the basis of race and sex and establishes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The EEOC rules that sex-segregated help wanted ads in newspapers are illegal.
California becomes the first state to adopt a "no fault" divorce law
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification.
The Education Amendments bans sex discrimination in schools.
The Supreme Court establishes a woman's right to safe and legal abortion
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act is passed
The first marital rape law is enacted in Nebraska, making it illegal for a husband to rape his wife.
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act bans employment discrimination against pregnant women
EMILY's List (Early Money Is Like Yeast) is established as a financial network for pro-choice Democratic women running for national political office.
The Supreme Court finds that sexual harassment is a form of illegal job discrimination
The Violence Against Women Act tightens federal penalties for sex offenders, as well as funds services for rape and domestic violence victims
The Supreme Court rules that the all-male Virginia Military School has to admit women in order to continue to receive public funding.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced that the ban on women serving in combat roles would be lifted
Women will be allowed to serve in any job in the armed services, provided they meet gender neutral performance standards.
The Supreme Court decides that a Texas law imposed on abortion clinics is unconstitutional