Women's Right's

By DRoss14
  • Convention

    first women's rights convention is held in Seneca Falls, New York
  • Legal Capacity

    Legal Capacity
    Right to exercise fully independent legal capacity
  • Parade

    1st suffrage parade is held in New York
  • Government

    Gaines access to most government administration positions
  • Right to vote

    Right to vote
    Gained the right to vote
  • 19th Admendment

    19th Admendment
    Women suffrage
  • Full voting rights

    Full voting rights
    American Women win full voting rights
  • Equal footing with men

    Equal footing with men
    equal footing with men regarding divorce, custody of any children and the right to property
  • Military

    Allowed to serve in all posotions apart form those pertaining to the clergy or military
  • Officail capacities

    Officail capacities
    All officail capacities were granted