Women's Right Movement

  • Second Wave Women's Right Accomplishments

    Second Wave Women's Right Accomplishments
    Second Wave Feminsim
    The second wave feminism was seen to many as a less pressing issue in the time, but the devotion women had to women's rights helped them succeed greatly. Their main goal was to pass the Equal Rights Amendment and their ability to do this classifies as a great accomplishment. They were also able to create a lot of women's only organizations to fight for their cause.
  • Betty Friedan

    Betty Friedan
    Betty Friedan emerged as a main leader of the feminist movement with the 1963 publishing of her novel, The Feminine Mystique. In 1966 she co founded the National Organization for Women and served as the first president.
  • Equal Pay Act and Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act and Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
    Equal PayThe Equal Pay Act of 1963 makes sure that both women and men are given equal pay for equal work in the same workplace.
    On January 29, 2009, President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which restored protection against pay discrimination with women.
  • Civil Rights Act- Title VII

    Civil Rights Act- Title VII
    Title VII
    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a law that prohibits the discrimination of employees/discrimination in the workplace based on race, sex, nationality, and religion.
  • Equal Rights Amendment Passes House

    Equal Rights Amendment Passes House
    Equal RightsThe Equal Rights Amendment states that “equality of rights under law shall not be denied or abridged by the U.S or by any state on account of sex.” The ERA failed to be passed and put into the Constitution because some states agree that it would actually take away some of women’s rights.
  • Title IX of Education

    Title IX of Education
    Title IXTitle IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 does not allow discrimination of the sexes in education.
  • Roe versus Wade

    Roe versus Wade
    Roe vs Wade
    Roe vs Wade dealt with the issue of abortion after a pregnant woman in Texas questioned the laws regarding abortion. There were different laws decided for each trimester of pregnancy, but abortion was more or less legalized.
  • Two Problems Today

    Two Problems Today
    Like a GirlModern Feminists are still fighting for the same things they fought for in the 60’s. In a recent super bowl commerical, feminists were trying to break the stereotype of doing things “Like a Girl”. Another goal is creating awareness for the negative things women endure by using the hashtag #YesAllWomen.