Women's Liberation Movement

  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    When Elizabeth was little he father was a slave owner and she was exposed to male dominance in her home. Elizabeth did not like the idea of male dominance and knew she had to do something about it someday. In 1840 Elizabeth got married and later had 7 children. While she was taking care of 7 children Elizabeth organized the Seneca falls convention and helped right the declaration of sediments.
  • 1st Wave of feminism

    1st Wave of feminism
    During the 1st wave of feminism, many women fought for their rights. Although there were many rights women wanted the many rights they fought for was the right to vote. Women used the "all men and women are created equal" from the Declaration of Independence to persuade people. The biggest concern for letting women vote was when the government lets women vote they have to let all men and women no matter what race. After months of fighting the 19th amendment was passed.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Women gathered at this convention to fight for social, civil and religious rights. Women that organized this event consist of Elizabeth Cady Staton, Lucretia Mott, Mary M'Clintock, Martha Coffin Wright, and Jane Hunt. During this convention the women came up with the Declaration of sediments that stated the grievances and demands. Rights that women wanted more than anything was the right to vote and the right to own property without a man. This just started the fight for women's rights
  • Right to Vote

    Right to Vote
    Women were tired for being undermined and demanded the right to vote. The biggest point that women used was "all men and women are created equal." The government was worried if they let women vote then then they women have to let all black and white men and women. Many women gained up on the government yo vote for a president that would be in favor of their side. finally the 19th amendment was passed which stated you can not discriminate someone's right to vote based on gender.
  • Bella Azbug

    Bella Azbug
    Bella graduated form college in 1945 and went into law. Although Bella went into law she still stood up for the rights of women. Bella founded the Women's Strike for Peace as well as National Women's Political Caucus with Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, and Shirley Chisholm. Later Bella ran for major of New York City but sadly failed to hold get elected.
  • Gloria Steinem

    Gloria Steinem
    Gloria was born on March 25, 1934 and later graduated college in 1956. After Gloria graduated she moved on to writing and journaling in New York City.Gloria wrote about some political topics. Gloria continued to write while helping to found the National Women's Political Caucus with Betty Friedan, Bella Azbug, and Shirley Chisolm. Gloria later started writing in Ms. magazine.
  • Birth Control

    Birth Control
    In the 1960s birth control was approved for women to use. "The contraceptive mentality" was common belief. This belief was that women had the right to control their fertility. Although some women liked this new pill it was a very controversial and struck some health issues. While this pill was very common for women to use some women felt as if the men should be able to control themselves instead of having to take a pill.
  • Social Gain for Women

    Social Gain for Women
    In the early 1970s the employment of women increased by 42%. Women became 15% of the nations lawyers, 40% of the nations computer programmers and 29% of the nations managers and administrators. There was progress made in undergraduate and graduate education. Last, women made progress so that they could run for political offices.
  • Spider-Man Comic Book

    Spider-Man Comic Book
    Spiderman was one of the most popular comic books to read in 1960s. Peter Parker was a normal teenage kid that happened to get bitten by a spider which gave him superpowers. Many people enjoyed reading about spiderman because he was entertaining and relatable.
  • 2nd Wave of feminism

    2nd Wave of feminism
    Throughout this wave, women fought for birth control, abortion, and discrimination against women. Birth control was the first to get approved in 1963. Civil Rights Act of 1964 followed which stated no discrimination based on gender. As this law was put in to protect women from discrimination many people had opinions which led to not all women getting jobs. The last right women wanted to be granted was the right to abortion. The outcome of Roe vs Wade granted women the right to have an abortion
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    Equal pay was very important to women because as women put in the same amount of work as well as the same amount of workers they were still being paid less than men. Women wanted at least minimum wage for the work that they had put into the jobs they did. Discrimination became bigger as women were getting hours cut and working several more hours at night time. The equal pay act helped women get the same pay as men doing the same job.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam war started as a conflict with countries that supported communism. President Truman decided to become an ally of countries that were fighting against communism. As the United States continued to get involved President Eisenhower brought up the domino effect after one country had fallen to communism leaders. As the United States was involved in this war many people believed we had no right to be in Vietnam, this war was one of the most controversial wars participated in.
  • Abortion Act of 1967

    Abortion Act of 1967
    The abortion act of 1967 gave women the right to terminate a pregnancy. Plenty of people did not think that it was right to have this act but women wanted to right to choose because it was their body. Even though this act got passed it had some rules. To terminate your pregnancy you have to be at least 24 weeks pregnant and 2 consenting doctors that believed the pregnancy would be harmful to the physical or mental health of the baby or the mother.
  • First woman to hold secretary of state

    First woman to hold secretary of state
    Barbara Castle was the first women to hold the secretary of state position. Barbara was also elected to the parliament, minister of state for overseas development, minister of state for transport and secretary of state for employment and productivity. This was a big event because no other woman before her had accomplished holding a political title. This showed women to go after what you believe in and if you work hard enough you can accomplish anything.
  • 3rd Wave of Feminism

    3rd Wave of Feminism
    During this wave of feminism, women fought for gender identity and the right for women to speak up for being sexually harassed. This movement helped women feel like they could speak up for being sexually harassed and identifying however they wanted. Women used their stories to help other women speak up for themselves. Last, this movement helped women identify thier gender as to how they felt fit them.