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Women's Liberation Movement

  • Susan B. Anothy

    Susan B. Anothy
    Susan B Anthony founded the National Women’s Suffrage Society. She also gave speeches around the country to support women’s right to vote.
  • Jeanette Rankin

    Jeanette Rankin
    Jeannette Rankin helped make states give women the right to vote. She was also the first woman to serve in congress. She issued a report for a constitutional amendment on the women's right to vote.
  • What were they fighting for?

    What were they fighting for?
    The group fought to end male supremacy and fight for equal rights like in the workplace and break off predefined roles.
  • When?

    The Women's Liberation Movement started in 1960
  • Key Event

    Key Event
    The FDA approved the first oral birth control pill for sale in public pharmecies.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
  • Betty Friedan

    Betty Friedan
    Betty Friedan sparked the second wave of feminism by sharing what other women thought. She also wrote books on the issue.
  • Key Event

    Key Event
    The Abortion act legalized abortion for women up to 24 week pregnant in the UK.
  • Key Event

    Key Event
    Barbara Castle became secretary of state and was the first women to hold this position.
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Outcome

    More women started working. During the 1970’s the number of working women went up 42%
  • Outcome

    Women also got a lot more political gains. By 1993 over 1500 women were working in public offices.