Publication of "The Adulator"
A satire play written by Merry Otis Warren but was published anonymously on a Massacheuetts spy newspaper that denouced Englands polices. This paper heavily presused then British citizens to detach from its mothership once and for all. -
The publication of the "Defeat"
Another play written by Merry Otis Warren fired up and supported the Boston Tea Party that was coming. She worked closely with coordinators of the protest and hinted at it in this particular play along with the "The Group" published in 1775 -
The Boston Tea Party
Marked the citizen's voice of the taxation that they were being faced with certain products including their tea. Encouraged by a series of plays and articles anonymously published by Merry Otis Warren. -
Publication of Abigail Adams influence in congress through John Adams
Abigail was a major influence in the birth of our great nation. Through John Adams, she was able to provide the nation with access to form education. She also brought advocacy for the Alien and sedition Acts (1789) -
Combahee River Raid, South Carolina
A raid within the American Civil War that was meticulously coordinated by Colonel Montgomery and Harriet Tubbamn by his side. This was a turning point in the war and freed 750 slaves along with burning down southern plantations. Tubman was an advocate for getting the contained slaves out of their prisons. -
Voting rights for African-American Men
The 15 Amendment granted African American male citizens to vote. While it wasn't completely fair for these men and it came with much resistance it was essential for the coming civil rights movement to come. Many women along with Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, who was famous for writing black suffrage poetry helped this amendment come to life. -
Home for the Aged and Idigent Negroes founded
Apart from being a notorious conductor of the underground railroad, Harriet Tubman founded the Home for the Aged and Idgident Negroes. This allowed the newly freed African Americans to have a home and community at no cost until they were stable enough. Tubman's contribution was essential to many African Americans getting on their feet. -
First Women to Enlist in the US NAVY
Jay Bright Hamcock was the first woman to enlist in the US Navy during WWI. It had been a couple of years since the Navy implanted the enlistment of nonmales to join the armed forces. Jay created a pathway for women to be able to fight for their country. A country that now has one of the largest armed forces. -
Womens suffarage movement
A movement that focused on the inequality and mistreatment of women in America. Starting from the 1800s, this movement was responsible for the right to vote for women, and African American men at the time the right to vote. This movement was in direct collaboration with the African suffrage movement. Many known leaders, such as Susan B Anthony, and Harriet Tubman, were part of this. -
Montgomergy Bus Boycott
The bus boycotte took place from Dec.5-Dec 20th 1955. This movement took off thanks to Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat for a white man on Dec 1st. 4 days later the movement took off. Rosa shows that it takes one person to stand up and say no for everyone oppressed to stand up. This was a turning point for African Americans in America to gain their basic human rights. -
Griswold V. Connecticut
Court Case that set up the success of Roe.Wade. The case allowed for the right of contraception. Gynecologist at Yale School of Medicine Lee Buxton opened a birth control clinic with Estlle Griswold, the head of planned parenthood in Connecticut. They were the defense that stood on that case against the state for it to be legal for citizens to have access to contraception and prevent unwanted pregnancy. This was a monumental stepping stone for women in America -
Labor rights for Hispanic Amerricams
Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta led a movement for better working environments for pickers and fair pay. Thanks to Cesar until his passing and Dolores we can have a farmer-worker union to help agriculture workers not be left in the field in unsafe work conditions. Dolores was the backbone of this planning of all protests while Cesar was just the face. -
The stone wall riots
The stone wall rights began in late June of 1969. police were arresting a variety of people coming from the bar but it was predominantly all gay men. The riots were a huge turning point. Trans women, Sylvia Rivera and Marsha Johnson started resisting and fighting back initially. These are the women who allowed the riots to be a step towards progression. -
Founding of the "Street Transite Action Revolutionaries" STAR
Founded by LGBTQ+ activists Marsha Johnson and Sylvia Rivera. zthis was an organization targeted towards transgender people who had been kicked out, or had no home. This organization was also one of the main things to come from the riots after facing exlsuion from the LGBTQ+ community as colored transgender people. -
The First Pride Parade
Due to the results of the Stone Wall Riots. A year later the first pride parade of many was held in honor of the riots that took place a year prior. -
Roe v. Wade
The court case allowed women to proceed with the termination of the fetus. In other words, abortion became legal. A fun fact when proceeding with the case Norma McCoy decided to go under Pysydeum to protect herself. Instead of Jane Doe she chose Roe. -
Black Lives Matter movement
A movement that took on towards the peak of the Covid global pandemic. The movement has been focused on the injustice of the American justice system for African Americans. This was brought to light when EMT Breonna Taylor was killed in her own home. While her death is mourned heavily by the Louisville community it helped us see the injustice filled after George Floyd's death -
The COVID Pandemic
The pandemic that turned the world we know upside down. A huge crisis that was handled by first responders such as nurses, doctors, and EMTs. The predominance of nurses are women. These women's first responders risked their lives every day and endured emotional turmoil to give each one of their patients the best possible care they could get at this time.